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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. lol kai ti na sou kanei? Tou xwneis mia me to halisha, no critical kai'pese :D
  2. Yep it is about scamming. I wanna give you some information about how to save your poor account from being emptied :P Let's start... 1) Try using a difficult password. Avoid PWs that have your birthdate in them, or PWs which contain a part of your username. Never use an obvious password like : qwerty ,12345, 11111 or noob123 etc 2) When playing at a Cyber Cafe, Net cafe or whatever, be sure that you are alone when you are typing your pass. Many eyes can catch a glimpse of your pass and scam you. Protect the keyboard with your arms if possible. 3) No server owner, no server employee will ever , EVER ask your password. Simply because they can find it themselves via the db. 4) GMs and Admins do not care about your email, and email password and be sure that you don't give it to anybody. 5)When you are added in MsN by unknown players, which send you pictures, or rar files or whatever, right away, block the file delivery and block/delete the contact right away. 6)Never drop a weapon when a party is set at "loot by turn". It may cause your wep or armor or anything being picked by the other party members. 7) When you trade money for an enchanted wep, check what is given to you before trade, because from the icon you may be tricked. TO L2 GOLD PLAYERS -There are many emails like dhx_l2goldadmin@l2gold.org, or admin@l2gold.com, or dhxadmin@l2gold.org or admingm@l2gold.org etc. T-H-E-Y A-R-E F-A-K-E. They will trick you and scam you, they may say that you can become gm etc. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM! Hope I helped ;)
  3. all the gms that have that post count are mods or donators. The others have 100 or 200, and they can't reach 300 posts in 5 days!
  4. i'll keep that... We are just thrown away... even deMev doesn't have that post count... Anyway, we'll reach it ...in some months. Please demev change your mind... Do it 500 , or 580 or .. anything... 1000 is unreachable man...
  5. Added new links ... I may stop adding now, since kamael came to off
  6. lol ti 18? oute 13 den einai. Egw to h3era auto pou les apo prwto xeri. 8ymame pws spammare ta pm se olous tous mods :"plz kane comment se auto to teleio thread mou , ki an 8es vale mou kai karma". otan tou ekane -3 o *ekoice* (o xakarismenos) to parathse to forum ,gyrise mono otan tou ekanan +1. Fenete poso to agapouse. Tes pa gia na mhn "gargalisoume" to topic, kleinw edw thn syzhthsh sry re, me epri3e. Kai gw ton sympa8w, syxorianos mou einai, kai pou na to h3era egw pws o chris eixe tetoies pro8eseis. Kai den xreiazete na me vrizeis emena! Auton vrise, egw giati ftaiw?
  7. he wanted to make me guilty too! GR : H8ele na me mple3ei kai mena. Me evale na pw ston z0ul0u apo dw kati mparoufes gia na ton peisw na tou dwsei kati items, kai meta na tou o chris dwsei 220, ta opoia fysika den 8a ta edine, pragma pou katalava molis eida to topic. Etsi, 8a emplexna ki egw. Ton eixa gia filo , alla katalava poso anorhmos einai. Ton travi3a block kai delete apo msn. Sry ston filo mou ton z0ul0u apo mena, gt phga a8ela mou na ton katastrepsw. Ban kante me an 8elete, den 8a me peira3ei, eimouna arketa ******* na paw na milhsw sto paidi
  8. from the way you act, I can see that you are just a player of luna, and you don't even know how to edit l2.ini Mature players **SHARE** things
  9. yep , it is becoming wow like. But there's one thing they will never manage to create : The user friendly appearance. WoW is great at that. Not to mention the size and system requirements, which are extreme for l2 , and convenient for WoW :D
  10. ti les re emena me voh8ane auta pou postarei o karma... a3izei kai me to parapanw na prasinisei. Kai na sou pw, oti postare shmera to katevasa, kai einai ola kai gamw! thx re man!
  11. w00t sry :D And FeelmySpells too ;) btw... UPDAtED
  12. is it the one I used to play in 2000? What a game .... the only cs that was real hard and needed some kind of skill <33333 EDIT woot it is not the one, i was saying bout 1.0 hohoho
  13. lol thx to all... FightToDeath, You must download the english client, my korean didn't work mate when i downloaded it. It is like wow's enGB and enUS clients, which support only the same version of servers...
  14. Not exactly Wrong Section, and they have never been shared AiO thx my friend giannh zoulou :D
  15. Total time logged in: 7 days, 22 hours and 49 minutes.
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=14236.15 much spam in here, mostly a discussion of two people... it deserves to be cleaned, if not locked
  17. :P oxi file mou, den ginete... oi ylektronikes synalages ginonte mono me credit card
  18. O L2 gold exei valei neo adiaperasto (pros to paron) protection ap 'oso 3erw... Shmainei oti mexri na vre8ei kati gia auto, bb Walker ston gold
  19. la8os file mou... Auto pou les einai *ladwma* kai den einai efikto. Eides pou8ena na leei : Request server files by NC soft? Oxi...An pas kai rwthseis , prwta 8a se xwsoun mesa kai meta 8a sou poun oxi :D
  20. Total time logged in: 7 days, 21 hours and 55 minutes.
  21. It depends on your server machine... Normally ,around 100-150, but with a better machine it can reach 1000 +
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