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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. WoW!! Thanks man, gonna dl them all asap0r :) The first is only for pr0's? I mean i won't understand shit?
  2. epeidh eimai pio kalos check this out http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=891.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=1708.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5200.0
  3. eixe re akoustei, alla to pentokilo to kalamatiano to ladi peftei vroxh kai kaliptonte auta
  4. gia na katalaveis peri tinos prokite, h astynomia exei idiko swma mono gia auth thn perioxh, me epilektous ripsokindinous policemen pou pernoun 800 eurw vardia , Fantasou gia ti kindyno milame
  5. an to pisteuw leei? Re otan pernaw apo kei panw, fovame san na pernaw apo to trigwno twn vermoudwn
  6. koita ama eixane kati tetio ok, alla einai kai ligo akribo xD btw poies tromokratikes organwseis? Auto to xwrio einai h paranomoia apo mono tou re. Ta paidia apo 14 kai 15 pernoun peristrofo kai jeep epeidh teliwsan to gymnasio!
  7. - Τρεις άνδρες που υπηρετούν στα ΤΑΕ Κρήτης τραυματίστηκαν το πρωί όταν δέχθηκαν πυρά από άγνωστους δράστες. Το περιστατικό συνέβη λίγο έξω από τα Ζωνιανά Μυλοποτάμου όπου κατευθύνονταν αστυνομικοί που επέβαιναν σε 12 τζιπ προκειμένου να πραγματοποιήσουν ελέγχους για εντοπισμό χασίς. Την στιγμή που τα αυτοκίνητα της αστυνομίας επιχειρούσαν να πλησιάσουν στα πρώτα σπίτια του χωριού δέχθηκαν καταιγιστικά πυρά. Ο ένας από τους αστυνομικούς τραυματίστηκε σοβαρά φέροντας διαμπερές τραύμα στον αυχένα και νοσηλεύεται στο ΠΑΓΝΗ. Gia na katalavete peri tinos prokete, oi astynomikoi pou peripoloun tis perioxes gyrw apo ton Psiloreith entopisan thn paraskeuh dyo ypoptous andres. Ton enan ton epiasan, o allos 3efyge. Afou vrhkan to onoma tou, phgan na psaxoun to spiti tou kai na ton sylavoun. 3ekinisan me 12 jeep , kai otan eftasan e3w apo ta Zwniana (xwrio), kamia 30aria antres me kalaznikov, automata kai alla tous eixan stisei enedra, kai arxisan na tous 8erizoun apo psila.... Auto exei xanaginei kai pio palia, otan 10 andres ths astynomias bhkan sto xwrio gia na perasoun apo tin allh na psaxoun gia xasisofities, megalh omada panoplwn xwrianon tous strimoxe kai tous pyrovolouse asistolws! Afou kai otan to elikoptero ths astynomias ekane efodo pano apo ta vouna, to kateripsan me pyravlo gia na mhn dei to xasis!!!!!!! Oi eglimatikothta exei psila exei ftasei sta ypsh, narkotika,porneia,opla, oti 8elete... Na doume ti 8a ginei me auto to 8ema (paidia an auta ta nea pou sas dinw 8ewrounte spam na mou peite na mhn postarw ;) )
  8. +100000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks man!!!!!!!! Great share, at least for me, cause i could find a site where i can upload Large Images xD add www.imageshack.gr + www.imageshack.us (didn't find it :O ) btw photobucket is there 3 times xD
  9. 1st, no there are many wow servers, just like l2 2nd, no , the game is not "heavy". You can play with low speed, it loads like a rocket etc etc 3rd, if you haven't played L2 in your life, why on earth would you make a L2 server instead of WoW? XD
  10. exei xanaginei post to 8ema, alla profanws den to des. Nice share gia tous ellines ypo8etw
  11. can't you patch it youself ? There is a way to do it in forumz i think
  12. Imo EkoIce tells the truth.... He is an adult, not a kid to do sth so silly. He spent so much time on this forum, gave us extremely good shares, and then comes a NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! to screw all his "mxc career". And his choice to stay here, shows me that he didn't do it. Cause somebody who hacked a forum wouldn't return two days after this and make a new account? At ekoice, if what I say is right, you are welcome to come back. And just ignore these hidden posts, you know all this stuff anyway :)
  13. although it's an ancient post, I will disagree with you. We've put enough trouble on newbies with the hidden posts, we don't wanna lose them five minutes after we get 'em
  14. lol? It's not difficult to make an WoW server ! *Puts finger on WoW Section*
  15. i thought about a green hammer! But nice try :)
  16. hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha nice nice joke @black jack It's not so easy, because we don't know enough bout this game ,but i am sure free servers will be created the first week after the game is published :P
  17. me too :) And a new pc is on the way for me , so i will own this game :)
  18. @gropacas, i select the first one! Damn where the hell do you find these cool wp?
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  20. nai, alla mhn fovase. An exeis dynamic , kane to gnwsto kolpo ki eisai gg
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