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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Let me tell you some things about classes. You can make some combinations and create one char from another one. Example : If you make a rogue, and equip fire-damage-per-sec gear, you can hit for 500 fire damage every time you hit. Imagine if you hit for 3 times every second... 1500 dps !! This can happen with Paladins too... Talents give you a chance to select from a variety of combos to start... For Example : Frost Mages = Good Slow, Good DeBuffs but less damage Fire Mages = Uber Damage (5k-6k) GoodDebuffs but you are vulnerable. WoW is a game where every player can select his own playstyle... It pwnz!!
  2. Oxi. Ta narkwtika den ftanoun gia olous. Exeis akousei pote na milane gomenez gia sena xwris na to 3eroun?
  3. Kai mena etsi einai. Exei ena programma pou legete BlueSoleil kapws etsi, kai exei kathgoria gia epe3ergasia sms ktl
  4. den nomizw na tan alh8eia pantws to shmantiko einai oti to kranos swzei paides :S
  5. some guy made them for his server, and then the server closed :'( so I couldn't find the env.int... if someone has them post them ::)
  6. exeis parei pote parapanw apo 500 pvp se 2 wres?
  7. I'll stickify It so newbies know what Aim-Bot is. Good work K4rMaArr0ws
  8. Ou ka8hmerina apo 5 fores Oxi Exeis pote koimh8ei me skylo?
  9. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Goal: To do the right thing. Vibe: Compassionate and caring. Desire: To love and be loved in return. Class: Healer or Shaman Description: When a Virgo is confident within themselves they are the most successful, structured and creative of all the signs. Virgos tend to work in the service of others, making them the perfect group member, guild member or GM. Virgos also make the perfect healers, and when it comes to going into battle they will maintain faith in the big "win" and refuse to become cynical. Virgos are very kind-hearted, which is sometimes preyed upon by others. You will be the first to offer to help out a guild member in need, or pull out an alt for a raid, but be careful not to be taken advantage of. Sometimes Virgos can be quite shy, making it difficult to find the right group to fit in to. You will allow others to take the main stage, while you devote your time towards making those around you happy or successful. Virgos are givers, and the first to donate a few gold to a needy newbie. etc :P
  10. Prolly they ment stop spamming if that's the case, but posting is everywhere is legal if you stay in the rules. Nobody can stop you, only the mods if they need to. If those users continue, tell me their names and I can deal with them ;)
  11. Post now hidden, cause it is undetected :D Good job K4rMaArr0ws , remember to hide new -undetected hacks :0
  12. Well... I agree with most of them, but yet still they are the exception of the rules, in Steam most servers are kinda proffessional... Yet still, those things happen now and then...
  13. spongebob in the bikini bottom :P jk Resident Evil n' Condemned (not that much)
  14. What I would do is put this in hackz0rs topic so both of them are in one post , and the users won't have to search :)
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