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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Xeria Psila ki ola ta ftanw >.< Vrexei
  2. They want to know if I 'll go to the supermarket on Wednesday O.o? That's sick o.O
  3. Use search button please. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4135.0
  4. http://www.grapheine.com/bombaytv/index.php?module=see&lang=uk&code=538403826a45e29761805b1a5713d28a EPic
  5. Happy Birthday GrisoM bro :) I hope your very dreams come true! @ HaCkz0r you are getting more evil each day >:S
  6. Discussion of illegal activities such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed. Delete the link asap, first warning before -1.
  7. Web give some credits man I found this on another site. Anyway, discussion ended, he put the credits.
  8. Auto to xeis dei? an oxi des to , einai kati endiaferon gia thn ON :)
  9. updated, added 3 more ways, more to come.
  10. These are some general tips for making money in a mid rate / high rate private server (works too in Low rate but the profit is less) 1) Mining at Hyjal In Hyjal, Alliance base and Night Elf base, there are gem veins that never go away ( tested Ascent ). If you mine there, you'll recieve expensive jewelcrafting mats , and you could either sell them to a vendor or in the Auction House (AH). Put your stuff in the bank, get some big bags like Primal Mooncloth or Runecloth, and you'll get like 10000-15000 g just to fill them. Imroved Bags = improved profit . Required = Mining Pick, 375 mining, a group. 2) Thrash farm in Hyjal This is a risky but VERY nice way of making money and epics. You just get a ranged weapon, like a bow, or a mage / lock, and you pull the mobs one by one. You let the guards tank for you , and you get the loot. 70 -80 g per mob, plus chance to drop really expensive pattern and t6-class epics :) Required : A healer ( not necessary ) , a group http://i34.tinypic.com/10fdmiq.jpg[/img] 3) Killing next to throne of KilJaeden. Next to throne of KilJaeden there are mobs , who are elite level but they die really easily. They drop around 9 gold per mob so you can make enough money in a really short period. http://i34.tinypic.com/5nnolx.jpg[/img] 4) Sunwell Trash farming Make sure you get a tank and a healer, and after that it is easy. They drop like 100 g per piece and many JC stuff/ epics but it's way harder than Hyjal. Aim for Cabalists, Slayers, and Dragonkins, and not Priests http://i36.tinypic.com/15s36lx.jpg[/img] 5) Aim for the big guys. You must get a group and kill World bosses like Kazzak, Doomwalker and Emeriss, but they are very very hard. They drop BOE epic items tho that sell a LOT in the auction house and they are t4/t5 value! Also a lot of money, so if you get the chance, go for it :) http://i33.tinypic.com/2njitdc.jpg[/img] IF you wanna see the drop list of these bosses check here doomwalker Kazzak Emeriss 6) Soloing Low LVl instances Soloing Low lvl instances like Zul'Farrak, Scarlet Monastery or RazorfenDowns is very nice, cause the drops drop a lot of cash for you and nice items for twinks. You make around 150 g per run, and people pay money to get the blues from the bosses. http://i35.tinypic.com/290zx1e.jpg[/img] 7) Mass killing outside sunwell The Emissaries of Hate, and the other Demons drop Quite an Amount of cash and green items that are expensive in the Auction House. A cool place to farm if you want quick cash like 1-2 g in 5 minutes 8-) Primal Mana farming near Ogrilla Felstorm point has an awesome drop rate in Motes of Mana, a basic item required for Primal Mana , that sells a LOT in auction house. Farming there will help you get some proffession upgrades, so you can make gear. That's from me, I'll update it as soon as I learn other tricks. -NotAbastard, credits go to NotAbastard and Zynetic ( he grouped me so I could enter in instances :P)
  11. grrr no it changed , the name doesn't apply... or... well, I am still not A bastard so it does :P
  12. analogws to systhma An einai metrio phgaine gia 550 -600, an einai kalo , kana 700ari kai 8a fysaei.
  13. well in CS i had Cheetos and Drouks mostly... but in L2 or dota I put random names.
  14. When I joined the site was named Maxbastards and I didnt wanna be a bastard , so my name was NotAbastard :P That's my nickname here and only here :P
  15. sto post na as poume gia na kounaei auto pou eipes grafeis [M O V E]move pou to grafis[/M O V E] xwris kena. Apotelesma? [move]move pou to grafis[/move]
  16. Den 8a apanthsw se auto H istoria grafthke apo Ellines. Den diafwnw se auto. Thn shmaia omos thn pairnei autos pou vgazei kalous va8mous kai ZEI sthn ellada. Polloi exoune kollhtous alvanous/gallous/portogallous ktl pou zoun sthn ellada, ma8ainoun thn glwssa mas, einai aristoi ma8htes, filoi mas kai agapoun thn xwra mas kai pisteuoun sthn giorth auth. Gt loipon na mhn thn paroun autoi? Kai sthn telikh, an exete problem, katsete ton *wlo sas katw na diavasete na parete kalo va8mo na thn parete eseis thn shmaia. Outws h allws den einai h parelash mono pou ekfrazei emas tous ellines. Einai oloklhrh h mera, H argeia, h giorth. Gt me thn zhleia h tis arnhseis mas prepei na thn gamame? Timiste tous hrwes pou skotw8hkan gia sas hsyxa kai swsta opws 8a to ekane opoiosdhpote sovaros kai swstos an8rwpos.
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