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Everything posted by Detro

  1. Hello, i'm selling NordVPN accounts full working,check plans cost on nordvpn official site,check prices ----> https://nordvpn.com I sell only ----> 10€ per account! i will choose the best for you, as you can see below i have many accounts with different "expires". [minimum 1 year - maximum 3 year] NordVPN is have the faster vpn servers all over the world! You can use it on your PC and even on your phone to make you no untraceable!!! Contact me here with private messenge if you intersting,my price is to low for your privacy!!!
  2. Hello, i'm selling NordVPN accounts full working,check plans cost on nordvpn official site,check prices ----> https://nordvpn.com I sell only ----> 10€ per account! i will choose the best for you, as you can see below i have many accounts with different "expires". [minimum 1 year - maximum 3 year] NordVPN is have the faster vpn servers all over the world! You can use it on your PC and even on your phone to make you no untraceable!!! Contact me here with private messenge if you intersting,my price is to low for your privacy!!!
  3. i want to buy a cheap diablo reapers of souls expasion cd key.. anyone??
  4. Tallum Heavy full set +16 Duals +16 Full raid boss jewels +16 (valakas +18) 10€ paysafecard
  5. Hello, i give 5€ paysafe for 3,50€ on Skrill or Neteller Accout!!
  6. Dark Elf Female Main Class Spectral Dancer Subclass Duelist Full RB Set +20 Tattoo of Damage +20 Imperial Set +20 Majestick Set +20 Dragonic Set +20 Duals +20 passive Might lvl 10 Dragonic Bow +20 Passive Duel Might lvl 10 Dagger Rsk.Haste Active Duel Might lvl 10 300 Vote Coins 15k PvPs (you can rename) http://www.l2damage.com "Images" http://i.imgur.com/UtjaA4U.png http://i.imgur.com/AQmiCpU.png http://i.imgur.com/MCP8jji.png http://i.imgur.com/eyZMgld.png http://i.imgur.com/PBELNBK.png Payment via Paypal-PaysafeCard-Bank transfer !!! PRICE 50€ !!! Offer me for fast selling. PM ME! FAST!!
  7. dn eiparxi kati tetio.. se olous mas xriazete 1 mail oxi 10
  8. an exeis 10plasia epixirimata vges kai pes ta k se mas na ta akousoume magako..
  9. polyy wreo to blog soy file moy me poly endiaferon ar8ra sinexise thn doulia c k c efxome na adamif8eis kala apo to AdSense apo emena exeis ka8imerino click stis diafimiseis ! :D
  10. kaneic help??
  11. epic fail.
  12. alloZzZ 7elw java code gia l2jfrozen pack custom scrolls x2 an mporei kapios as me help.. exw psa3i ala dn brika tpt.. k akoma psaxnw k dn briskw.. ::)
  13. zitise to apo to pc pou nikiazeis k 8a c baloun ala 8a anebi h timh logiko einai
  14. kane edit to database_installer kai des ti name exoun oi dbs exoun gameserver_beta kai loginserver_beta . . . an 8eleis na tis ala3es name its alazeeis apo to database_installer... kai meta tis kaneis add sto navicat..
  15. Gia sas exw frozen pack rev 982 kai exw balei to http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=238680.0 . . kai moy vgazei auto to error sto gameserver... opws blepete leei com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'gameserver_bet a.accounts' doesn't exist to accounts table sto frozen einai sto loginserver_Beta... ti prepei na kanw? dokimasa na balw to accouns table sto gameserver_beta k doulebei dn m vgazei error.. ala molis kanoun reg dn benoun sto gameserver_beta to account..
  16. [gr]file moy vgazei error dn mporw na to perasw se frozen pack[/gr]
  17. how can i make it work on l2jfrozen?
  18. nothing good just a easy coding with icon name form.. xD
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