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Everything posted by cont

  1. what are you saying in the buff tab on the bottom theres the option to use items and you can set it up a haste pot
  2. yeah can we get a little more info...
  3. I have had this problem if what you say fixes it thank you koyfo
  4. why did u repost the info about loopback adapter???
  5. ok I tested it the IG crack is indeed working much respect to you, thank you very much, I strongly suggest +1 karma.
  6. that on top is the link to 301b this is the link to 302b http://ltwo.insane-gamers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1510 and thx for the link
  7. RETAIL aka official server
  8. gtfo with your gay spamming. usefull stuff only EDIT: anyway whats the status of this crack i have heard some controversial things about it.
  9. just wait for a shared crack to come out, I personally wouldn't trust a small bot like that because I have friends who made a "bot" to hack accs on a different game. EDIT: one will come out in time if worst comes to worst u can subscribe to a site for like 20 dollars to get the crack, don't pay for like 5 l2walker time cards.
  10. thx for tryin and not just being a asshole like everyone else, can anyone that knows about oog on retail say how it works compared to IG what else do u need for it to work besides the asrv etc.
  11. yeah, I know iv had a few accts banned around take time back during c3-> c4 but im lookin for how to run OOG beucase even in new throne 1 it will most likley be the same type of way to run it. Wats all this about a token and junk. All I know is just to change host run l2asrv(same version as IG walker??) and run it but u need something else
  12. I need a guide how to get OOG walker to work for retail, I have been useing IG for over a year now, so I know all about IG walker but not much about OOG walker. I was never able to get it to to work, thx for your help. (before u say use search idiot I have and came up with nothing on multiple searches)
  13. no skaraveos the old versions of l2 walker still work your most likley useing one of those and apst is useing the newest version
  14. can anyone here tell me how to get OOG walker working for retail, i know about IG but not OOG
  15. make sure u bypassed the auth server if u don't do that and just connect it wont be able to auto attack mobs EDIT: if u need that try l2asrv
  16. its much harder to crack then l2 walker all i can give you is www.l2superman.com the official site of superman
  17. mabe choose it to be the first still to use for every mob or try to OE that spoil you have to be better then spoil crush gl.
  18. listen read before u post this for l2 retail not private servers
  19. ?? plz add to this, mine is not working did you change somethin or it just started working again, thank you.
  20. nice guild but I was hopeing for a guide to how to get a working l2 walker for retail since most of the people know bots and the wording between settings etc don't chant all that much, if you can help me with a working oog l2 walker for retail that would be awesome.
  21. I think it will be working again in 2-3 days hopefully but they can have it for pay 2 play for quite a while if they desire, we'll see
  22. i didn't read the whole thing but enchanting a item before the server restarts, if they roolback the server a few seconds or a min or two.
  23. well i was looking into it a bit more and found this from www.l2superman.com [2007-09-22] Singapore Servers Pause To Use: Singapore servers pause to use because of L2Superman will turn to "pay to play", please pay attention to our website for further information. thats most likely why I and maybe some of you also cannot get it to work, just keep checking the site to see if they change anything.
  24. has anyone else had the problem where l2superman will not go past "9/22/2007 1:34:39 PM: Connecting Auth Server" it was working yesterday so I don't see why it stopped working for me now.
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