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Everything posted by Freddax

  1. yea its 25% but we need five not just one...
  2. GL!! I like features and i will join!
  3. I dont like idea for 5 active,that means that we need to stay in town and augment weapons all day untill we get what we need and that takes time.. and one player will be lucky and he will get all whats he need,while others still wait to get lucky like he was... I dont like luck in games,preffer skill more then that.It should be better just one active or passive.. But that is just my opinion! GL anyway
  4. The most bugged server ever!! when archer can kill duelist in oly... no need to speak more.
  5. First thing casino manager is not 50% chance like admin says,second 85% for normal is not true,and players who got gear before new players will dominate server.. they made clan that is always in high drop area and they kill ppl in one shot and in high drop area u are flaged instatly when u enter! safe area,there is always at least 10 players which is in gludin village and u can kill a mob every 30 sec...that means new player will need ages to get some gear... when player donate he can buy every active and passive skill and that is by my opinion worst thing ever. Admin is never online and armor lvl 1 doesnt work.I think ppl deserve to know truth!
  6. -Max Level: 90 is this interlude or ?
  7. finaly normal enchants, good luck! i will try
  8. Your patch is full of virus!!!
  9. My mistake then :happyforever:
  10. WTB star wars enchants +40 lol,stay in town and enchant all day,but u need +100 enchant to be sure that ppl will never go out of town to do something else exept farm and enchanting...
  11. You can join on this server,but you will meet few players with full gear +18
  12. As i said,its about money!
  13. Half skills dosnt work,some skills land 99% like anchor from necro... and already donators with +max gear!! Shame on you! You just want to take money!!
  14. Im getting critical error ... General protection fault! History: FL2GameData::ObsceneDataLoad <- FL2GameData::Load() <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine Is there any solution for this?
  15. Here is the list of my characters http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/Antaras/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/Baiium/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/Fredax/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Freddax/simple http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Fredax/simple You can check also that i have 6 proffesions and some rare mounts Add me on skype if u are intrested... vladotatar is skype name Price 100e
  16. 70 euros
  17. U sure that this is pvp server because im not sure... stupid pvp farming servers...
  18. From DONATE +10 gun/armor, +7 Jewel. Money server
  19. +25 is to big... i dont wanna play starwars,i want to play lineage 2,and how do u think after one week of start new player will come and he will be killed hundred times by player with 20+ weapon and armor... and he will quit and your server will be soon empty...80 buff slots is fail! This is pvp server and i dont wanna farm all day for enchants, if is "pvp" that means no farm.. pvp is player vs player and pve is farming and killing rbs... Why people dont think a little before they open server??
  20. Server:Dragonmaw 1.Deathknight lvl 85 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Baiium/simple 2.Warlock lvl 85 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Freddax/simple 3.Hunter lvl 85 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Fredax/simple 4.Paladin lvl 65 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Antaras/simple 5.Mage lvl 37 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Spelsinger/simple 6.Rogue lvl 42 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dragonmaw/Insspector/simple Server:Outland 1.Druid lvl 48 http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/outland/Freddax/simple Thats all what i have on my account + 25 days free play left Send me pm if u are intrested and we gonna make deal... Its cheep!!!
  21. I tested this server...every player making healer and waiting for active skill on augment to make dmg... Can it be worse ????
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