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Everything posted by alwinka

  1. As title said PM info / offer
  2. Trusted! really :)
  3. check your pm's, plz.
  4. Send me a price in pm plz.
  5. As title said. PM info here.
  6. As title said i have 87lvl Yul Bound Immortal Light set Bound Apo Thrower want to trade for Othell (Fortune Seeker) pm if interrested Eu Core server (maybe i can trade for 90+othell dual 90+ healer +euro or 90+ heal with dual 90+othell +euro)
  7. As title said, wtb Specter retributer+acu (mb +attr) EU-Core server pm offer
  8. Hi MB sell only the weapon?
  9. I want to trade my lvl86 Yul Archer (immortal+requiem) + € for 89-90+ Wynn Summoner [EU-CORE server] pm or mail.
  10. up
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