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About doken1313

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  1. And trust me this is a pack full of bugs...
  2. Relax Panagiotaki. It's only a discussion thread. There is no need for so much anger.
  3. And you are Brazon :) No point making new accounts.
  4. Like L2Nemesis (who bought the old l2f Saga files) we have sold our files and services to other customers too. We sell services like promotion and advertisement together with our files. So expect from Skype "l2sagasupport" advertisement for more servers. We also offer development with our off-like files only. L2Evil admins bought the off-like pack, so at the moment we are helping them change things to make it more friendly to European Mid rate server players. By the way we may not be active in Lineage servers any more (as admins) but we support decent people like L2Evil owners and we are going to help more people that want to invest in Private L2 Servers. This is a good chance for us to take a break, and at the same time, help to clean the dirt in this area. :)
  5. I now learned that (referring to your first sentences). You don't realize one thing. Our server is PTS like. The problem is that most EU players, because simply don't know how real Lineage is, think that PTS fetures are 'bugs'. We have PTS - like source, so I guess we have partners that know how real L2 should be. PS. I already sent you a link that shows clearly that NCSoft recommends L2 Wiki to players. For one more time, it is impossible to go back in time and check how PTS H5 features are. This is a large project (not PAC-MAN). Of course we need to have a place to check for correct values in many things. Who is going to tell you what is the correct price for example in the HP of Behemoth Leader or how you will compare it's stats? If those websites were not out there all l2 servers would have issues. And of course the majority of the servers are using them.
  6. Clearly Eu l2 community is unable to play PTS. About why we changed? Well we also know to give back things to the players, not only to take :) I cannot agree more with that, but this is why Beta is for. Whatever reported on Beta was fixed before opening.
  7. if l2saga is a trash for you then gtfo of here :)
  8. Kindly request to all of you. You are free to discuss whatever you want, but please no "trash" names here.
  9. I love you all haters :) A big surprise is coming in the next months !
  10. I am sure it will not be a bad day :) Thank's a lot !
  11. Don't be so bad with me :D More than 150 changes happened during beta, we just put priorities first :)
  12. You shouldn't rush that much. Summoners between chronicles changed. As I told you I can't travel back in time to see these changes. Once this was verified, we changed it asap. This is why BETA servers are for !!! To correct mistakes and fix bugs ! Just for your information, summon stats are like those RPG images that some of you had posted in our forum.
  13. We love you too :) I am sure you know better than NCSoft :D
  14. A few more hours remain until Grand Opening. Join our server to make a new start in EU Mid Rate servers and stop this ridiculous L2 Killers from destroying this great game any more. Ask yourselves this and decide. You will join Saga and help our try to get L2 out of corruption or you will follow them ??? Choice is yours :)
  15. Suggestions, bug report please use our forum. This topic here is for promotional causes only.
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