This server was super duper awesome. WAS is a keyword.
Online is tripled, so don't belive that "1000 online" xd (I have screen shots from friend of mine who knows =sw= admin)
There was .online command + alt+b showed online - two different amounts :-D After that .online got disabled.
GMs are giving chat bans for using other language than english on global chat- that would've been ok BUT they're punishing everyone but not clan of his friends :-D (poziomeczka, azara, monere etc.)
Admins removed chests from server, but they've forgotten about removing Anakim raid. Top clan killed it and farmed LOA with transformation. Admin wanted to give them 1000 dp as "recompese" for them to stay after removing anakim from server. :-D When I said that on global chat, i got perma banned