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Everything posted by lostos

  1. Kala dn einai o monos xalarose
  2. To token to vriskeis eite vazontas IG walker kai koitazontas to verification, nomizo, i, pio sigouros tropos, me to EngExt tou Hint, (kane search dn vriskw to link) pou einai kai o pleon sostos tropos.
  3. to token tou bnb einai: 13337EC112DA200993DBEA8275456DA6 Yparxei periptosi na eipa vlakeia omos
  4. Na pw mia xalastra: Erxetai omos o arxi-noob kai tous rezarei OLOUS xaxaxa
  5. 8elw na pe8anoun oi noobs!!! Edited: Eikonika panta <-
  6. Last post: January 21, 2007 that's an old topic
  7. That's nice but u can change all icons completely. Some examples: CrystalXP.net Vista Icon patch Ultimate system patch I am in a hurry right now, I 'll soon post a COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION of XP into VISTA
  8. NAI ELEOS LOCK, exei ginei gtp to 8ema me tosous pou *epimenoun*(!) oti iparxoun bugs se diaforous a3iologous server (bnb, noobwars, ktl). Otan 8a ipar3ei bug se tetoious server 8a to ma8ete sigoura, alla otan sas lene dn iparxei tote kofte to.
  9. Ta bot ston off douleuoun kanonika kai eukola. Apla pairneis to walker, to anoigeis kai bottareis. Ti dn katalabaineis? Po.....
  10. ti? active? edw s leme mallon subclass allaze. Dn iparxoun bugs.
  11. Xaxaxa, oi palies kales meres p douleue to bug t help.htm. Les na douleuei akoma? mallon sub allaze o an8ropos
  12. LoL kai 3anaLOL, dn iparxei kanena hack, bug, exploit gia adena ston bnb katalave to. To pos bgazei xrimata kaneis ston bnb einai poli aplo: Kaneis spoiler, ton bazeis bot se mia perioxi me kala spoil, i bot se party se mia perioxi me kala spoil, kai oriste: egines plousios. Allios mporeis na kaneis crafter. Ton pas 20lvl, exeis recipe ssd, kai: Agorazeis tonous soulore kai crystals d(me crystallize) kai pas ARENA. ARENA MANAGER sou kanei recharge MP ektos apo cp. Etsi bgazo se misi ora 1m. KATALAVES? NO HACKS IN BNB!
  13. No no, no, i can get it to work i just need an oog walker for bnb. I can't login to bnb (4c32) even when i use Sauron's WP
  14. lol kane search sto google. Iparxei tropos legetai sql injection to exw dokimasei alla dn prokeitai na s doso plirofories, kalitera lock auto to topic:P EDITED: Oxi gt eimai mlks apla exei polla na grapso kai na e3igiso. EDITED(2): Gt poio site 8eleis? Mporei na se boi8iso.
  15. Ooops! soz ekoice my bad! Here u go now i'm using the edit feature: I 'm still looking for a nice pic of mine, I've accidentally unistalled photoshop. Damn!
  16. i 'll post a pic when i have time to upload. P.S.: re seis afou eimaste oloi ellines ti epimenete na grafete agglika?
  17. lol, nitrous ki egw komotini menw :P
  18. So what's your point koyfo? I know how to bot, lol, i just need an IG version that doesn't have this problem.
  19. ox spoudaio prama, einai edit tou client, ti 8a pei ston official? mporeis na kaneis polla mods ston client, pare mia idea: http://dstuff.l2wh.com/
  20. to connect in it with an OOG bot it's kinda difficult, just use the IG one About the IG... it's getting on my nerves the fact that the bot is stupid. It just runs around changing targets, plz some1 recommend an IG walker that doesn't have this problem, as well as the corresponding server emulation
  21. IG sucks I can't get OOG to work in this server and i am so frustrated!
  22. Its very simple, u should have searched: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2571.0
  23. hlapex... ti oraies epoxes pou mas elegan filous twn gm enw dn eimastan !
  24. I have a bot for bnb but it's IG. Whoever has OOG walker for bnb plzzz pm me. Gratz
  25. They ain't gonna do sth like this, All these are n00bish rumors, nothing more.
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