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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. αν βγει όχι τουλάχιστον έχουμε ελπίδες διαπραγμάτευσης. Φαντάσου να βγει το Ναι, αμέσως παραιτείται ο Τσίπρας και βγαίνει ΝΔ , πάει την επόμενη μέσα στο ευροκοινοβουλιο και με αυστηρότερα πλέον μέτρα μνημονίου υπογράφει ΝΑΙ ΣΕ ΟΛΑ. θες και συνέχεια? .... τεράστια ύφεση τους επόμενους μήνες, εξαθλίωση, αυτοκτονίες και αφού φτάσουν όλοι στο πάτο , ξανά εκλογές .....
  2. one more unofficial vote poll here: http://www.atlex.gr/
  3. Varoufakis is one of the best economist worldwide,
  4. its entire europe problem: https://www.facebook.com/solidaritywithgreece/videos/1683092355244574/
  5. If the Yes side prevails, the current Greek government would lose all its credibility, and the international institutions would have no reason to offer it further compromises. If the No side prevails, the situation would be slightly different, at least in terms of shifts in negotiation power, as the Syriza-led government would then have a good hand for its case to at least slightly soften austerity, and more so to move to a debt-restructuring plan. What is your opinion?
  6. We are looking for a fresh team to fullfill these moderation positions, and we are here to listen everyone. Reply here with names, suggest yourself or others. Do not spam, or do not judge other's posts, unless you include your opinion on this topic too. L2 Moderator 1) SweeTs 2) - Empty - 3) - Empty - GFX Moderator 1) Strain 2) xDamian 3) - Empty - Global Moderator 1) MeVsYou 2) - Empty - L2J Developer 1) - Empty - 2) - Empty - 3) - Empty - L2OFF Developer 1) mcbigmac 2) xeL 3) - Empty - L2Client Developer 1) deMEV 2) - Empty - Gold Member 1) FirefoxAurora 2) Stacy Doll 3) - Empty - 4) - Empty - LoL Moderator 1) le memer master 2) `Sanctus WoW Moderator 1) - Empty - Also we need 1 moderator per game in these categories: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/171-multiplayer-games/ (suggest new games to add, or remove some). Finally we are going to add some very popular android games (such as Clash of Clans) that needs moderators.
  7. We are currently looking for League of Legends Moderators (2 in total), which must reach these requirements: 1) Must be over 18 2) Must be active (daily) , especially in lol sections. 3) Must have never been banned in MaxCheaters.com or have negative feedback in any trades. 4) Must not have any kind of rank in any other competitive forums. 5) Prefer old members. If you interested please let us know, You can contact our Global Moderator in pm MeVsYou
  8. - Update 15.05.15: IPBoard upgraded to latest 3.4.8 successfully.
  9. subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/user/CodeBabes
  10. thank you for yor information. i make it sticky.
  11. ena RIP arkei, an ksefigei to topic tha to klidosw.
  12. http://www.olathessaloniki.com/2015/03/20.html https://www.facebook.com/Papadopoulos.Vlasis?fref=ts http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/105975-mixharder/
  13. RIP , ti sinevei? https://www.facebook.com/Papadopoulos.Vlasis?fref=ts
  14. send me your new password and the email to register it via PM only.
  15. ready! sorry for the delay.
  16. Do you want to add brazilian (Portuguese) Language categories on mxc? and i dont mean tags, but whole categories.
  17. I have 2 vanganth accounts for sale. But i dont offer any support so you need to know some basics and have experience on setup. if you want contact with me.
  18. Merry Christmas to everyone !
  19. κάτι άτομα σαν και σένα τα καθάριζα πριν χρόνια, μην ξέχνας, είμαι ο παλιότερος εδώ μέσα και σας ξέρω έναν έναν. όσα ban και να φάτε , δεν διορθώνετε με τίποτα. Ναι ψαχνω για προθυμους που θέλουν να βοηθήσουν και γουστάρουν το φορουμ , χωρίς να τους υποχρεώνω, αλλά επειδή αυτοι θέλουν να αφιερώσουν τον ελεύθερο τους χρόνο εδώ. οι λόγοι που τρώτε ban κλασσικοι, μέσος όρος ηλικίας 14-18 που δεν ξέρουν να συμπεριφέρονται, και νομίζουν οτι το φορουμ ειναι και αυτό ενα παιχνίδι.
  20. You should have check his awards before making your conclusions. Banned.
  21. - Update 17.10.14: IPBoard upgraded to latest 3.4.7 successfully.
  22. archeage has a long time of queue . all servers are full, have at least >1 hour of waiting..
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