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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. after he return from vacations, we will discuss this.
  2. well im just asking the community. Their opinion counts sometimes ;)
  3. please let me know what is about..
  4. Hello cheaters! Im talking about this topic here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=103135.0 . We have some empty places in here. Who do you think would be capable for these positions??. Im just collecting some information.... Feel free to talk ! Dont spam please...
  5. personal messaging has been temporary disabled for single members.
  6. Hello Cheaters! ..MaxCheaters Team is looking for Lineage II Client Developer(s) , who will help in developing L2MxC project ... Whoever is willing to help and participate in this must contact our Scripter here: PM HERE Thanks ! Maxtor®
  7. -1 from me. other karma logs cleaned
  8. Συνελλήφθη ο Διαχειριστής ενός από τα μεγαλύτερα δίκτυα υπολογιστών-ζόμπι (botnet) Τον Διαχειριστή ενός από τα μεγαλύτερα δίκτυα υπολογιστών-ζόμπι (botnet) συνέλαβαν οι Αρχές στη Σλοβενία! Ο 23χρονος με το ψευδώνυμο Iserdo, φέρεται να έγραψε τον κώδικα του δίκτυου υπολογιστών-ζόμπι με το όνομα mariposa και να κρύβεται πίσω από δίκτυο εκατομμυρίων μολυσμένων υπολογιστών, για την κλοπή προσωπικών οικονομικών στοιχείων από πελάτες τραπεζών! Άλλα 3 άτομα που σχετίζονται με το ίδιο δίκτυο, είχαν συλληφθεί το 2009 στην Ισπανία. Τα δίκτυα υπολογιστών-ζόμπι είναι προγράμματα, που εγκαθίστανται εν αγνοία του χρήστη στον υπολογιστή του. Οι διαχειριστές τους μπορούν να τα θέτουν σε λειτουργία και να του στείλουν email με προσωπικά δεδομένα όπως αριθμούς πιστωτικών καρτών. Μπορούν να ακόμα να μολύνουν με την παρουσία τους μέσω email άλλους χρήστες... http://tro-ma-ktiko.blogspot.com/2010/07/botnet.html
  9. so GodPower is the winner then.... pm me for info. thanks everyone! locked winner is Gfx-GodPower http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=shop
  10. One Banner is available for Sale: PLACE OF BANNER: ChildBoard + post page. You can reply here for making a BID ONLY. (You are bidding for 1 Banner at main page for 1 Month advertising!) Our starting price is 10€. Each Bid increase (From +5€ to 999) Bidding will close in 5 days unless we got best offer. Payment: Paypal or Paysafecard. <Start Bidding> Whoever makes "fake" bids, his server will be removed from Private Lineage 2 Servers, and will get a perma ban. Please include your server name next to the Bid. thanks.
  11. One Banner is available for Sale: PLACE OF BANNER HERE=HERE You can reply here for making a BID ONLY. (You are bidding for 1 Banner at main page for 1 Month advertising!) Our starting price is: 5€ Each Bid increase : +5€ Pay Now(Optional) : 150€ Bidding will close in 5 days unless we get best offer or Pay now. Payment: Paypal or Paysafecard. <Start Bidding> Whoever makes "fake" bids, his server will be removed from Private Lineage 2 Servers, and will get a perma ban. Please include your server name next to the Bid. thanks.
  12. James L2M = BBanhammer right?
  13. now regular members cannot comment. :)
  14. [Request] 2 Banners for L2MxC. 267px × 66px : http://l2mxc.com/wp-content/themes/GamesMania/images/logo.png'>http://l2mxc.com/wp-content/themes/GamesMania/images/logo.png 950px × 287px: http://l2mxc.com/wp-content/themes/GamesMania/images/background.jpg'>http://l2mxc.com/wp-content/themes/GamesMania/images/background.jpg Content: first banner must contain the words L2MxC and subtitle Interlude L2OFF "the reborn". second banner must have lineage2 background. Price: 100.000 adena. All banners must fit to this page: http://l2mxc.com/
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