Hello and welcome to my accounts shop! :poker face:
I would like to sell few of my league of legends accounts here. All of the accounts are with email adress and never been banned!
1st Account:
EU West
Gold 5
114 Champions
56 Skins - some of them are very rare
definitly not blitzcrank, eternum nocturn, aether wing kayle,[/size] zombie ryze, noxus poppy, leopard nidalee and much more![/size]
6 Rune pages , Full runes[/size]
2nd Account:
EU West lvl 30
Silver 3
96 Champions
4 Rune pages , alot of runes
50+ Skin , Many Rare, Legendaries and Ultimate Pulsefire ezreal - i will show more if u ask
3rd Account:
EUNE lvl30
Gold 5
70 champions
18 Cool and rare skins
Prom Queen Annie, Woad Ashe, Riot Blitzcrank,
Sheriff Caitlyn, Shadow Evelynn, Superfan Gragas, Traditional Karma, Pool Party Lee Sin ,Spellthief Lux, Ghost Bride Morgana, Snow Bunny Nidalee, Headhunter Nidalee, Gothic Orianna, Full Metal Pantheon, Pool Party Renekton, Ice Drake Shyvana, Hextech Singed, Vindicator Vayne 3 rune pages Supp,AD,AP full runes + others
nice icons
4th account:
EUNE lvl 30
Gold 2 after only 10 placements with score 9/1 (one guy didnt join this loose) !!!
very high mmr, matching with plat/diamonds
16 champs, Nightblade irelia skin
434 rp , 6000+ IP, Nightblade Irelia
Good AD runes
5th Account:
EU West lvl 30
accound was platinum 2 in season 3 but dropped to gold 1 due to inactivity at the end of season
very high mmr u will be plat for sure with good placements
Golden border, Victorious elise skin
18 champs, some 6300 ones
108 rp, 1755 IP , IP boost on account
Full AD runes + some AP mix
6th account:
EU West
lvl 30
11K IP !!!!
Gold 5
50 Champions many expensive
Full AD and AP runes
Heartseeker Ashe, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Forsaken Olaf, Emerald Taric, Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, Shockblade Zed
7th account:
Silver 2
35 Champions
Unchained Alistar, Nightmare Chogath, Primetime Draven, Sanguine Garen, Striker Lucian, Outback Renekton, Gangster Twitch, Aristocrat Vayne, Snow Day Ziggs - Rare
8th account:
lvl 30
Bronze 2
Olny 11 rankeds played
3 rune pages, alot of runes full ap,ad
forum recruiter title , 115 riot points
32 champions, some are expensive + new Braum
Some cool icons
If you need more information feel free to contact me via pm or my skype lolaccshop
Offer your own price!
I am accepting payments only via paypal and only as a gift ! :dat:
skype: lolaccshop