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NoName1 last won the day on May 3 2021

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About NoName1

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  1. good luck with ur server ( change domain to looks more legit )
  2. I apologize but i have no idea of what u said ? So armor +12 is able to buy from what day ? Also could u explain me how Old are you ? You wrote the news that server STARTS 18/09/16 at 13 GMT+2 and server start today at 10 GMT+2 , is this another fail admin kid server who cant even wait for the time he set up ? ( he also change the news that server starts at 10 hahaha online GM and his friend ) PS. GM IS real kid , when you ask him questions on his forum he simply delete them when he doesn't want to answer them / DONT WASTE YOUR TIME server : 0/10
  3. donation from the first day ? http://screenshot.sh/odUnnYDLGqrtx
  4. https://www.facebook.com/spottedinpokemongo/
  5. Commands : CLAN: *Player commands: /clan help - displays clan commands. /clan create <Clan TAG> creates a new clan. /clan join <tag> joins a clan you have been invited to. /clan leave leaves your current clan. /c <message> sends a message to all online clan members. /tc toogles global/clan chat. *Clan moderator commands: /clan invite <player> invites a player to your clan. /clan kick <player> kicks a member from your clan. *Owner commands: /clan tagcolor <color> sets a new tag color. /clan promote <player> promotes a member to moderator. /clan demote <player> demotes a moderator to member. /clan disband disbands your clan (no undo). List of Plugins 01/05/16 : -Ban System -Welcome Messages -Private Message -Clan System
  6. soooo much hate ;D EVERYWHERE :D
  7. remove ur system put new official system then patch to ur server
  8. very small online , are you going to advertise the server ?
  9. server need some changes , but look good , played only for few min , how is the online ?
  10. if you are talking to me i run l2osiris.net for old friends and fans who wanted to play on same features as old l2osiris and i dont know this guy l2osiris and im not saying he is an real owner but he might be or not i dont really care ... good luck with his server i will join the server to see how many old players will join l2osiris again x] as i said in the first post in last l2osiris means l2osiris.net x] Ps. you are only TALKER @blackhive u said u will delete the post if you will talk to me on teamspeak with ur polish friends where is he ? just a bollox u are , kid who rage because somebody can do a server , pain in the ass you are ... talker who only talks , thats why l2 interlude have so much small community on server , because of people like you WHO LIKE TO TALK shits , and now GTFO from me and from l2osiris (even if its fake one) let people chase their dreams instead rage e all time , if you are old enough and you told me you could be my father so you are old enough start smoking weed ;) might help to stop giving a fu ck about other people and you may start living your own live ;) Peace and Love L2osiris and blackhive and other talkers in this forum rage or love
  11. ofc you could be my father hahaha you old prick :D hahahaha as i said you are too stupid to talk to you x] People join l2osiris x] ignore that kind of people they may destroy the community in that server ;)
  12. ok bollox so when you wanna speak with me ? do you have any teamspeak ? thats why im not goin to proof anything here x] CUZ of the kids like you , you knows better where i'm from , probably you know also that im from small city called Ketrzyn in Warmia i Mazury just beside airport szymanow (was created in 2016 just few weeks ago ) also im waiting for you post to be deleted because im Polish and as i said i can speak with your friend anytime you want , i can also show him files and the website and also NAME of "whoisit" who was the owner of the domain , anywayz i'm not going to speak a fluent English here because there is no point to lose my time on it as far i consider im speaking with 4 languages and English its not my mine first language but only retarded carrots like you can swear someone and their family about some words WHERE OTHER PEOPLE USE IN THEIR COUNTRY but what do u know if you can only speak 1 language hahaha and when someone is speaking your language you have problem ... because you are TOO stupid to learn any other languages
  13. you remember very good cuz i was the owner of l2osiris long time ago and i'm from Poland , last time server was closed cuz like @l2osiris guy said there was one gm who steal money from MY paypal and start droping the items in giran +5555 where the enchant rate was 33% to keep server balanced ! (80% online left ) also i find out that he was selling epic jew to some guys with out telling anybody ... so it was no point for me to still run the server , i'm not goin to prove any think cuz basically i dont really care , just wanted to say that if you want to make l2osiris you should go with exactly the same features other wise its just a name ... anywayz i might join the l2osiris just to see how it goes but only when the features will be the same x] Ps2. It would be nice if the biggest clan from those times would join this server again and i mean Clan : TOR CL: Hottube and Clan : Power Of poland CL: Misiekk AKA alliance : PRESTIGE vs all ( i remember those guys very well ;D ) Ps3. Be aware that donation system is working before start day , it might be just server to take your money and run away or it might be good server with bad start x]
  14. gms respond on forum every 4 or 5 days , dont really care about player suggestions x300 server from community 150 went to 10 , where there is som ESP clan how takes all cuz they are only the one on server , waste of time , they will close x300 same as they closed x50
  15. thanks man i think i will join l2neo big online this server so far shows 3 :D
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