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The Lineage-Server.com has just started a new moderate-low rate 4x server at the end of March.


  • 4x xp/sp, 4x drop/spoil, 4x adena, 2x party xp.
  • Only Dualbox allowed (Main + 1 Box per PC).
  • No class changers, all quests retail like.
  • No donations


Normal Quest drop rate will be 3x, to bring a better balance between s80/s84 armors and weapons and a- /s-grade paired with the lower drop/spoil rate.

To improve the gameplay of the Freya chronicle, which is one of the most balanced chronicles ever, but has its downsides, we added low A grade weapons and armors in the luxury shop, obtainable through crystals, but not at all cheap. Doing that, we remove the pain in the ass NCsoft created when removing a grade armor quests and drop/spoil zones.

Also we have an improved SA crystal levelling system, much improving one of the main things that went really wrong with the freya chronicle.




These features will be greatly improving the gameplay, and should attract your attention:


  • Professional Bot Protection (You need our UPDATER to login on Lionna x4)
  • professional Geodata, newest Freya version - fully supporting all new zones
  • Hellbound fully working, 4x trust rate
  • All Epiloque zones working
  • Seed of Annihilation working
  • Plains of Lizardmen fully functional, MOS, Stakato Nest, Sel Mahum!
  • Old style raids, tank + mages possible, lower raid chaos time for more fun!
  • Retail-like Vitality system
  • Fully web-integrated game/forum account and vote system


Also, we took some action to balance the game. All element crystal quests are disabled, until all quests are working. To get element crystals, except from regular drops in the new zones, Seed of Destruction and Seed of Annihilation must be farmed, which will be truly end-game content.


The decision to do a high quality, guaranteed bot- and exploit-free low rate is our answer to the fast-lived Lineage 2 world of today. Meet and greet your friends and defeat your foes in the farming zones, like in the good old times! Prepare for a new journey!


We are working with L2Universe, a L2J server project originating from L2J Infinity. Our machine is situated at HETZNER.de, with powerful connection, first class service and no downtime:


  • Core i7 920 QuadCore
  • 12GB Ram
  • 2x 750GB HDD Raid 1
  • Unlimited traffic


Join the journey!

The Lineage Server Team.


can hardly w8 for the new server to start  ::) ::)


i played on the old 7x server so from my experience i can say join this server and lets have some fun

no lags friendly gm's and no corruption

will be one of the best freya servers out there ;D


I play in old server x7 server is nice with out lags...


ADMIN'S is ready to help all players for bugs and and info for this server.


from experience on this server from x7 i say join join join for more fun and for really lineage2 gaming with out lags and corruptions ;) ;)


I hope to see you there.....


Well, as someone who played dayly for 3-4 month, i can say this is a proven server, and the one thing that you can truly say about it, it's about great stability. It used to run for days in a row ( week) without the need of restart. Admin(s) are very active on forum, so if you have any complaint or something to say, you most likely get an answer within 24h.


Server reached it max. population with aprox. 500 players on-line(7x). So everyone is hoping that when the new 4x server will be on-line it will attract more players, and tbh i don't see any reason why players in searching for a new server shouldn't join. Even now, when hardly anyone plays the 7x server, staff still keeps it alive ( strange decision imo, but it's their way of proving even futher that the server is stable, wipe free ) .


So all in all, i think if you're in search of a new home, the wait will be filled with success, as pretty much as a player i guarantee it won't go away in 1 month(if that was the case, it would have been gone for long now). About what is working or not, you can check that out yourself, my post is mainly to ensure players and to say to them what i would have want to read in a review, and that is the server is stable and is here to stay, so don't worry about lags/wipe/ frequent restarts, it's not the case here.


That's about all,

i`ll gladly respond to any query.


Best regards,



As so far things go like expected, its almost secure that we will start with the open beta as scheduled on 15.03.2011. Exact time of day will be announced reasonably in advance, most probably in the evening, as it is a tuesday.


You can already make accounts, those will be preserved. Only characters/items/clans will be deleted on 15.03.2011, and again when we will go live at the end of the month. Dont miss beta to make contacts and of course test everything out!




Lineage-Server.com Team!

  • 2 weeks later...



Beta test runs very nicely, no severe bugs, but a lot of small things and balancing settings have been adjusted. Thanks to all players who helped in beta testing!


We expect quite a number of clans to join at start and think it will be fun from day 1 on.


Be there and feel the true game! This server wont rise and fall fast as most servers nowadays. Prepare for a long journey!


Lineage-Server Staff!


cant w8 for the opening on Friday night but gdm still 3 days remaining... i played beta its so nice .. i couldn't believe that after 4 h of playing i was just lvl 36  ;D  ;D ;D and almost all things working.... didn't expect that(i was expecting tons of bugs and so on like all beta ive played before - it had some minor bugs but overall very good server )and the best thing is that even ur a no lifer u wont be 76+ after 2 days ... hope i find u on Friday night when srv  begins

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