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Lineage II Freya High Five - New Chronicle


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its the l2 end ....

time for maxtor to open tera online section and soul &blade section  :o

Not really,most guys that play private servers will play high five after much time


also,high five is just a client update

what u said,would have sense if you were talking about goddess of destruction expansion ;)

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its the l2 end ....

time for maxtor to open tera online section and soul &blade section  :o





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I hope they burn in hell , I don't want what happened to l2 to happen to TERA too . Seriously , they've done enough damage already .


hehe true :D

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I hope they burn in hell , I don't want what happened to l2 to happen to TERA too . Seriously , they've done enough damage already .

Well .. i disagree with you, i hate tera since it is a cheap copy from what was a possible future L3, so .. i preffer it starts happening and make stupid kids move to that game [did i mention i detest tera :)?], they took a lot of L2 lovers to their game .. anyway, that's other theme ..


About Freya High Five, i expect stupid C4-IL Lovers can step up and accept that both clients are DEAD, starting from their so old features, and low graphics; and finishing in the never balance between races and clases 6_6!


Freya H5 will come with some new stuff WE ALL KNOW, and it is NOT custom ¬¬! [damn, so idiot that people who says "NOOOO! MORE CUSTOM NOOOO!"], it is so fascinating that we'll have to effort more to get more items to be the best.


I don't like, only one armor for S grade, you don't effort to get it really ¬¬! .. to get last armors you must forget you are a social person xD!..


I know i'm boring to a lot of people with last thing i said .. but that's true 6_6! .. accept you can't effor more to get more equipment inGame, that's why you stay in that so old chronicles 6_6!


Cya ..and GL, i am waiting to L2TnS finishes upagrding to H5 to login e_e!!!

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