Samar Posted February 17, 2011 Posted February 17, 2011 Readme: ENG: Copy the contents of the gameserver folder in your folder gameserver. Add to the end of data / scripts.cfg or config / scripts.ini prevedennuyu following line: custom / AugmentShop / Pour the SQL with the NPC in the database. Standard Eid NPC: 91,000 To change things for which the IDA buy agum and the number of custom / To add argumentation go to the folder quests / AugmentShop / and there is open notepad or chance.htm passive.htm or active.htm And there paste your augum for sale. Example: <a action="bypass -h Quest AugmentShop augmentId,IdSkill,levelSkill"> "Name" </ a> <br> * Like <a action="bypass -h Quest AugmentShop 14863,3141,10"> "Focus" </ a> <br> * IMPORTANT: the level of skill to write two-digit number (02,09,10, etc.) Find Ides of skills and augumov possible here: data / stats / augmentation / augmentation_skillmap.xml Good luck! By Samar on February 17 of 2011:) 15:42:14 made by assembling S-Project Interlude My page VKontakte В Контакте | Алексей Титевалов RUS(Original) Скопируйте содержимое из gameserver папки в свою папку gameserver. Добавти в конец data/scripts.cfg или config/scripts.ini ниже преведённую строку: custom/AugmentShop/ Залейте SQL с NPC в базу данных. Стандартный ид NPC: 91000 Для изменения ИДа вещи за которую покупать агум и количество в custom/ Для добавления аргументаций зайдите в папку quests/AugmentShop/ и там откройте блокнотом chance.htm или passive.htm или active.htm И туда вставляйте свой аугум для покупки. Пример : <a action="bypass -h Quest AugmentShop ИДаугума,ИДскилла,уровеньСкилла">"Имя"</a><br> * например <a action="bypass -h Quest AugmentShop 14863,3141,10">"Focus"</a><br> * IMPORTANT: уровень скила пишите в двухзначном числе(02,09,10,и т.д.) Найти иды скиллов и аугумов можно тут: data/stats/augmentation/augmentation_skillmap.xml Удачи!!! By Samar 2011год февраль 17:) 15:42:14 делал под сборку S-Project Interlude Моя страница ВКонтакте В Контакте | Алексей Титевалов DOWNLOAD PASS: samar
An4rchy Posted February 17, 2011 Posted February 17, 2011 I didn't actually understand, you are able to buy active skills or passives from a shop? If yes, gj man and thanks!
Rizel Posted February 24, 2011 Posted February 24, 2011 if you copy my work at least write my name at the end of the post and dont call it "by Samar" -.- even the example numbers in the readme are the same ... pathetic
WeirdSituation Posted February 24, 2011 Posted February 24, 2011
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