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Tested only on 1 Interlude server :P


1.make new script for l2ph

if FromClient and (ConnectName='[color=blue]ur char name here[/color]') and (pck[1]=#$03) then pck:=#$30;

2.start l2ph

3.log in game

4.when u are loged click teh box for teh script u made


5.restart and log back in

6.when u log back u will be dead so rez urself

width=640 height=480http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/2959/72635155kz2.jpg[/img]

7.when ur resed buff urself (stacking works whit PP,EE,SE buffs no party buffs)

width=640 height=480http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/8379/shot00043et2.jpg[/img]

8.when ur done buffing send packet to server 03

width=640 height=480http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/6292/78261390iw4.jpg[/img]


and u shoud get like this :P

width=640 height=480http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/8638/shot00044ep4.jpg[/img]



PS.tested it on 1 C4 server and it wont work :(



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im going to test if it works +1 :)


btw if i do it and i will go to take buffs from npc it will works again?


btw in the character selct menu it saws the char alive?i cant do it..explain it better or if u can add a video i hope it isnt  lie xD

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im going to test if it works +1 :)


btw if i do it and i will go to take buffs from npc it will works again?


btw in the character selct menu it saws the char alive?i cant do it..explain it better or if u can add a video i hope it isnt  lie xD

never made videos :D i dono what program to use :P

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L2Off will refuse any action packet prior to EnterWorld, this is L2J only.


if even


oooh, i see, thats why lol :D i tried on a interlude off server jajaaj


anyway, if it works in l2j its already a cool share ^^

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