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In my world,I call it lightsource (:


That's what I noticed too. You know, I'm not posting much here, but I would prefer the source to be an other more "warm" color (considering the whole color-scheme of the signature).

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In my world,I call it lightsource (:


The lightsource is completely fvcked up wrong size and color.

Well because I am really curious can I have some more work of yours with your name on the signature please? Dont ask why

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lightsource is wrong placed, and bad pick of color for it. also the text is nice bad far away of the focal. but the outcome seems nice :)

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It reminds me MD's style. About the light source you could add a bigger soft brush, yellow to orange color.


ofc he is MD. :)


Agree with project about lighting source.


the others is so totally pro, masterpiece! i guess...

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