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[SHARE]Anti Heavy For Archers and Daggers + SubClass Fix


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Other anti heavy shares are for all light/robe classes, this one only for archers and daggers class. Plus everyone forgot to add subclass restriction.


Go to: gameserver/clientpackets/ and open UseItem.java


Import these two imports:


import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.base.ClassId;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.L2ArmorType;


and after these lines:


            case L2Item.SLOT_CHEST:
           case L2Item.SLOT_BACK:
           case L2Item.SLOT_GLOVES:
           case L2Item.SLOT_FEET:
           case L2Item.SLOT_HEAD:
           case L2Item.SLOT_FULL_ARMOR:
           case L2Item.SLOT_LEGS:




				     if ((item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 8) ||  (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 23) ||  (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 35) ||  (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 93) ||  (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 101) ||  (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 108) || (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 9) || (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 24) || (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 37) || (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 92) || (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 102) || (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 109))
                        activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CANNOT_EQUIP_ITEM_DUE_TO_BAD_CONDITION));


with this code all human, elfs and dark elfs archers/daggers cannot equip heavy sets...


To fix sub-class (Then player take for eg Dark Avanger class, set heavy set, and then change his class to dagger/archer he will be still with heavy set, so this fix will prevent this. )


Go to gameserver/model/actor/instance/ open L2PcInstance.java


Find this line


public boolean setActiveClass(int classIndex)

and after add


  L2ItemInstance chest = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST);
               if (chest != null)
                       L2ItemInstance[] unequipped = getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(chest.getItem().getBodyPart());
                       InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
                       for (L2ItemInstance element : unequipped)
                       lhand = null;
                       iu = null;
                       unequipped = null;


So then player change sub-class it will remove heavy chest from player.



Don't judge me to hard, cuz I'm just started to create my fix'es/mods/events and etc, and I don't have big experiences, like Matim, xAddytzu, B1ggBoss and others.




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Yes i tested on scoria3.0, latest teon version, one friend tested on brasil and l2jserver.

well is a code without errors :) so why not works :)....it works properly

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thats gay >.> u could of just fixed it by adding a penalty.. this way is just annoying.

+1. like l2jfrozen(if i am not wrong), when you are archer for example and wear heavy, you have greade penalty.

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I don't think that is annoying ,i can say that is more official like.


Thanks for share.

:D this think doesn't even exist on offcial :P

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:D this think doesn't even exist on offcial :P

The all Point :)


Example: if you wear dynasty leather armor BOW Mastery and you change sub class automatic cause of bow mastery armor unequiped :)

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