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Hi again.I have 1 question cause i m newbie in l2 and if someone could help i would apreciate..

I play in a server in which we pay bid for clan halls and i wanna ask if i pay once the bid i m gonna

keep the clan hall 4 ever or i must pay every month bid in order to keep it?


Maybe , but i dont see with what does clan hall help you in freya or epilogue..is useless..

a place where to regroup your clan, teleports, buffs after lvl 75, bsoe ... there are enough reasons to have a CH


Maybe , but i dont see with what does clan hall help you in freya or epilogue..is useless..

Believe me,not




U pay for the first time


then,depending of what feature of clan hall u turn on(in ch manager)you must pay per day from clan wh


if u don't pay,after some time u will lose ch


Believe me,not




U pay for the first time


then,depending of what feature of clan hall u turn on(in ch manager)you must pay per day from clan wh


if u don't pay,after some time u will lose ch


omg i must pay every day lol? they told me that i will pay bid every month -.-"


You have the adena in Clan Warehouse.I think these adenas are decreased day by day or week,don't remember well


But even w/o adenas,there is much time till u lose ch

Clan Hall Maintenance


The clan that owns the clan hall must deposit usage fees in the clan warehouse, collected weekly. If the usage fees are not paid, the clan leader receives a message and is given a grace period of one week. If the usage fees are still not paid after that time, the clan hall is repossessed and put up for auction.



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