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[L2j][Final/Epi/Freya] vanity Lineage 2 - The ultimate PvP experience


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I appreciate the suggestion and it wont be necessary, for I think you'll have a very pleasant surprise.


We also don't see the need for a big amount of different armors and weapons, basic ones have proven what they're worth.

Until you see the final product,there is no need to worry about such questions.

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I have 1 question about server, when you open server it will be beta or live?


The server will be released under the LIVE status.

Currently, the beta stage is in progress, so the scheduled release date to be announced, refers to the LIVE stage.

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whatever you make, don't use the same "balanced classes" of your other faction server, because this was not L2... just my 2 cents


Was actually wondering if none would make a comment of such type.

Well then, what was the issue with the old class balance? Classes were in fact balanced, its player's fault that they chose only specific classes e.g. archers or daggers.

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It was pretty balanced after the first few tweaks, but imo the general class balance was just way too custom, everything with different reuses, power, etc... maybe I'm wrong, but atleast I remember it like that :/

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It's Vanity q.q



curiosity... is it going to be something like InfiniteL2 style (events = 90% of the PvP and farm) or more like a standard PvP server with clans, sieges, farm zones and such? maybe a mix of both? I see that events take great part in this server, I just want the clan politics and clan wars on a nice server :p


Highrate servers where admins actually work and care of them are so rare nowadays ...

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It's Vanity q.q



curiosity... is it going to be something like InfiniteL2 style (events = 90% of the PvP and farm) or more like a standard PvP server with clans, sieges, farm zones and such? maybe a mix of both? I see that events take great part in this server, I just want the clan politics and clan wars on a nice server :p


Highrate servers where admins actually work and care of them are so rare nowadays ...

Hmmmm first of all I was in a rush when I wrote whatever I wrote and second QQ means quit crying <<< Did i say anything that makes me look like I'm crying dude?Before trying to make someone look like an idiot read carefully.

Second , stop asking whatever nonsense thing your head is thinking OMG . Here's an example about your self : Will this server be like L2 echo , i miss l2 echokinetics! please make it like l2 echokinetics :( and please find good clans and a SHIT ...FFS , even a 10 years old child is more clever than you are.



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It's Vanity q.q



curiosity... is it going to be something like InfiniteL2 style (events = 90% of the PvP and farm) or more like a standard PvP server with clans, sieges, farm zones and such? maybe a mix of both? I see that events take great part in this server, I just want the clan politics and clan wars on a nice server :p


Highrate servers where admins actually work and care of them are so rare nowadays ...


I'm hoping its going to be Infinitel2 style, my favourite servers and usually the most balanced! Shame I always seem to get a late start on these types of servers, so heres hoping for a fresh start for once.

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