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[Discussion] L2J "Projects"

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I'm a new developer and i don't know much about developing but i am not noob as well :P so can you please tell me what pack should i download to start modifying it so i can learn more, or in what sites should i read to gain more knowlegde?

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I'm a new developer and i don't know much about developing but i am not noob as well :P so can you please tell me what pack should i download to start modifying it so i can learn more, or in what sites should i read to gain more knowlegde?

Read the whole topic and decide by yourself which would be the suitable project for you.

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Read the whole topic and decide by yourself which would be the suitable project for you.

Yes but someone more experienced than me can help me make a decision so i don't make something wrong, and it is better to ask for help than doing it alone :P

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  • 1 month later...

My opinion about l2j server is that it is the best stupid pack i've ever seen. I don't remember who said that l2j developers test the pack 29 times but i will say one thing i was going to test if i can do a pvp at the guards and i wasn't able to do a pvp at giran castle not just out of giran xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaa OMG they have a problem like that? Plz because i can't find other good svn to compile. L2 archid = dead they asking for name and password =, L2j free = also dead now i'm gona test l2jacis because i hear that it is a good pack but very new and i hear also with lack of testers. If with java fix i can fix the pvp problem at l2j server pack plz tell me and also give the code or give me the post about that if exists. OMG i can't find a good svn to compile for interlude come on.

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Talking about Equal pack - its crap. Admin went to gracia/epilogue or whatever higher chronicles. And there are serious bug in interlude equal (for example invulnerable headquarters, or summons).

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Talking about Equal pack - its crap. Admin went to gracia/epilogue or whatever higher chronicles. And there are serious bug in interlude equal (for example invulnerable headquarters, or summons).

weird ... [i mean noone talked about equal xD]


P.S. I thought this topic was closed, anyway ...

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It was a talk about Equal, read all the pages;] Also its a thread about L2j projects, so;]

ok, no problem .. althought there was only one reply where appeared the word equal.. i started this topic .. and i read whole posts .. but this is so old and that's why i wonder too why this has not been closed xD!


Anyway ...

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So the best pack now is acis?;]


ahhmm.. for IL i think yes .. but i don't like IL anymore 6_6!

aCis' pack owner is doing a great job .. but i don't know what is wrong with me that i don't even think on ever use that pack xD!

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If we talk about interlude specifically non of them is good and the soul reason for that is l2jserver.


Its chain reaction...get a base which is mostly l2jserver and it sucks...now base your project on a shit pack and start fixing...at this point if the developers are skilled the pack end up beeing decent but because of the lack of reworks not end up beeing good...if the developers suck you end up well...beeing l2jarchid...


If you want a good project in general than fill it up with your own work and i talk about even the basics of the software.

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I dont know which developer sux in l2archid, but i know for sure that Seketh is far better than you. Since i've talked with both of you, his knowledge stands higher than yours. And he has an attitude and manners, which you certainly sux. You've been badmouthing l2jarchid every now and then, alelujia mo----er.


At least seketh had his own vision and idea behind the project. Reflection might be slow, but its robust. Regardless of that, it was his personal flavour in l2j. Which comes to the point where we talk about you. What flavor have you put in l2j ? Have you done anything that can be considered the signature of yours in the project ? All you do is copy l2jfree's style ... But yea i forgot, you are trying to blame your failing as akin developer on l2jarchid and his owner.


And its kinda lame to bad-mouth people that are not even present ( seketh / l2jserver devs ). If you wanna say shit about l2j, go do it in their forums as we all do when we feel we need to. If you got balls ...

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again the egomaniac useless piece of crap try to talk...seriously should i care whos better than who?


Ask the freeking ppl how huge an epic fail archid is and just shut up for once in your life or just take some e-penis viagra and jerk of for beeing better than someone...idiot.

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