Kalispera exw ena pack Freya vasika eime GM eine l2j twra ti akrivos eine den ksero telos padon den mas niazi auto thelo na mou pite sto c6 //setnoblesse kai //set_noble
Hello, I add this code here https://maxcheaters.com/topic/248730-agathions-acis-401-does-not-interfere-with-summons-or-pets/.
but i have problem with agathion movement, agathion does not move when the player moves.
The player must stop moving for Agathion to come close him.
i think the problem is here at < _followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000); >>
public void followToOwner()
if (_followTask == null)
_followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000);
int rnd = Rnd.get(-30, +30);
SpawnLocation loc = _owner.getPosition();
if (!checkIfInRange(1000, this, _owner))
teleport(_owner, 30);
if (_owner.isMoving())
getAI().tryToFollow(_owner, false);
if (!checkIfInRange(75, this, _owner))
getAI().tryToMoveTo(new Location(loc.getX()+rnd, loc.getY()+rnd, loc.getZ()), null);
else if (checkIfInRange(30, this, _owner))
if (Config.AGATHION_HEAL_OWNER && !getCast().isCastingNow())
if (_owner.isInOlympiadMode() || _owner.isInDuel() || _owner.getPvpFlag() != 0 || _owner.isInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP) || _owner.getKarma() != 0)
if ((_owner.getStatus().getHpRatio() < Config.AGATHION_PERCENT_TO_HEAL))
getAI().tryToCast(_owner, 1011, 18);
else if (!Config.AGATHION_ONLY_FOLLOW && Config.AGATHION_ALLOW_SOCIAL && !isMoving() && !getCast().isCastingNow())
broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(this, 1));
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Kalispera exw ena pack Freya vasika eime GM eine l2j twra ti akrivos eine den ksero telos padon den mas niazi auto thelo na mou pite sto c6 //setnoblesse kai //set_noble
sto freya otan to kano auto den litourgi gt?
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