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As i've seen in lot of movies, pro players for example cArn...


They defuse bomb and somehow can shoot or move the mouse. I've just watched a cs movie, where carn defuses and goes up down with mouse but defusing didnt cancel.


Hmm then, few months ago, i watched a clip, a player clicked (E) defuse button, he waited till its one quarter (1/4) completed and then he left the site but the defuse bar was still active and he defused the bomb.


Any idea of similar tricks? Thanks for sharing if you know anything. Discuss about it too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have seen that before..maybe...bug? but it cant bee bug evry times cauze it didnt saw it once

Thats a trick not a bug. If somebody know how to do it please share will us because I need it too... Thanks.

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