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Freya Xml Viewer


Here is a program to help you view the xml's in Freya from the Xml's folder, I will tell you how to use it as well where to look. Here we go!


1: download the program from HERE.



2: Extract the program where ever you like. I put my file in the same folder as my Xml's and made a shortcut to my desktop.


3: after the files are extracted, open the program called L2J Item Viewer.exe.





4:click on view and slid down to preferences, when you click that you should get a box come up that looks like this:





In this box you will have to change the paths to where ever you put the files. 1: is items xml folder, 2: is Icons folder (this is the icons folder that came with the download. once you have this done, click  accept.


5: Now click process items (this is the button with the little lightin bolt.


6: Now click the process Icons, this is located next to the process items.


7: Now you should have a list under Item Xml file, there will be a put down menu.


8: If you are wondering what the right menu is for, there you can type what you want and it will find it for you.


Well enjoy the program I can't take credit for it, I just found it. Thanks to who ever made it :)


well thanks a lot for this work, is really nice, about credits is very easy, just go to menu Help-About and get copyright there :) downloading eh


Credits by Bloodshed and icons from famfamfam


darren should get some kind of punishment since he stole this tool and didnt even give credit to who made it. The author is BloodShed from L2J. It's sad he didnt give credit for it and criticalerror has to do that.

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