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Hey Maxcheater's Members .Today ,i will teach you how to understand which is the best server .


Let's Start




This is the very easy part.Don't even take a look in server with  http://blablabla.com or .net or from other countries for example with .pl or .eu etc There Are Noob Servers For Sure.Do you know the best websites?.When you see http://blablabla.webs.com or .tk ,it's 1000000% the best server you have been logged in.Don't read anything else.Ι assure you that the server will pwn.And you know the best with these servers ? They are not homemade servers for sure and you can see via hopzone that the uptime is 100%.The only wrong with these websites is that they don't write the correct people online.it's stuck at 0.



Custom Items


This is an another feature for choosing a good server.Me,When i see a server with 10000 customs,i say this is a dream ,10000 customs ? i will join

with once.When you see the website you go to download the patch and you see that the patch is around 100 mb.Isn't it Great ? .I logged in and the dream continues.i make my dominator and i have casting 2500 and m atck 75.000 and then i start hitting.then i go to info npc and i read that in 500 pvp you can increase your stats by 2000.Oooooooo i really like the server ,i will never leave.After this i make an archer and i have 3000 atck speed and 100000patck.Unfortunately the people that i was hitting were NPC  because the server has zero people online,but i had 1000000 p atck ,isn't it great ?




This is my favourite part .As we saw before the best server must have 20 players maximum and this is great because you can become a hero easily.In this part we will choose the best server from a good country.Ok you wanna join a good server with a great community ,you can login to any SERVIDORS you like with great features as maximo enchant ,servidor good ,olympiada and other good informationa.if you can not understand anything from a website you have to join.After you have logged in you will be amazed by the community 30 spanish players that everybody can speak english  as hola amigo ,suma + es su arma and after this you can hear the song of Patty to complete the atmosphere .


This is how we understand that the server pwns


Happy New Year From HiGhQuaLiTy



I dont agree with custom items , about stats that the items gives ! When i will try to open my server come and see that with stats..

you mean u like servers with 3k atck speed on archer and 100k p. atck. ?

did u at least understood the sarcasm of the topic?


you mean u like servers with 3k atck speed on archer and 100k p. atck. ?

did u at least understood the sarcasm of the topic?

In fact,you didn't got how he saw it


about customs items,highquality is right,saks in any fckn way


In fact,you didn't got how he saw it


about customs items,highquality is right,saks in any fckn way

well i understood that highquality hates the custom items..


actually i didn't understood what @Panic* told .. he told that he doesnt agree with highquality and that makes me think that he likes custom items with CRAZY custom stats?

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