8a fanei poli xazo alla dn mporw na brw sto navicat se kanena table px tn custom buffer me id 18000 gia na tis allaksw to title! k sta html pou epsaksa dn mporw na allaksw to title. oute mesa apo to game me shift + klik... plz help! k genikws ola ta custom pou ebala dn mporw na ta brw se kapoio table sto navicat gia na allaksw to title. k enan code pou xrisimopoihsa pou brika edw gia na kanei opou serversidetitle 0 se 1 gia na allaksei dn m douleuei!
This code works well. It removes buff with double click, but If you preffer remove buff with ALT + mouse click, place this code in AbnormalStatusWnd.uc
function OnLButtonDown(WindowHandle a_WindowHandle, int X, int Y)
local Rect windowBounds;
local int targetRow;
local int targetCol;
local StatusIconInfo info;
local SkillInfo skillInfo;
if (IsKeyDown(IK_alt) == false)
// Find window position
windowBounds = Me.GetRect();
// Process clicks outside of window frame only
if (X > (windowBounds.nX + NSTATUSICON_FRAMESIZE))
// Calc row and col of targeted icon
targetRow = (Y - windowBounds.nY) / NSTATUSICON_SIZE;
// Store status info of targeted icon
StatusIcon.GetItem(targetRow, targetCol, info);
// Store actual skill info and make sure it is exists
if (GetSkillInfo(info.ClassID, info.Level, skillInfo))
// Request server to stop skill effect
// Usage: _dispel:<int:skill_id>,<int :skill_level>
// Example: _dispel:313,8
RequestBypassToServer ( "_dispel:" $ string ( skillInfo. SkillID ) $ "," $ string ( skillInfo. SkillLevel ) ) ) ;
8a fanei poli xazo alla dn mporw na brw sto navicat se kanena table px tn custom buffer me id 18000 gia na tis allaksw to title! k sta html pou epsaksa dn mporw na allaksw to title. oute mesa apo to game me shift + klik... plz help! k genikws ola ta custom pou ebala dn mporw na ta brw se kapoio table sto navicat gia na allaksw to title. k enan code pou xrisimopoihsa pou brika edw gia na kanei opou serversidetitle 0 se 1 gia na allaksei dn m douleuei!
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