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The Enchantress



Morning Tavern


Base stats Calculated stats (Level 1)

Str: 19 +1.80

Agil: 19 +1.80

Intel: 16 +2.60


Range: 600

MSpd: 285


ArmorB: -1

ACoolB: 1.38

Dmg: 21 - 31

HP: 511

HPReg: 0.82

Mana: 208

MReg: 0.65

Armor: 1.66

AttSpd: 0.86

Dmg: 37 - 47

DRed: 9.06 %

DPS: 36.2


AiusImpetus.gif Impetus (Gives strength to the Enchantress' attacks, causing them to deal greater damage the further away the target is. )

Level 1mana.gif 40-Deals 4% of the distance in damage.

Level 2mana.gif 45-Deals 8% of the distance in damage.

Level 3mana.gif 50-Deals 12% of the distance in damage.

Level 4mana.gif 55-Deals 16% of the distance in damage.


AiusEnchant.gif Enchant (Brings target unit under control of Aiushtha. If the unit cannot be converted, it will instead by slowed. )

Level 1mana.gif 65-30 second cooldown, 10% slow if unit cannot be converted.

Level 2mana.gif 65-25 second cooldown, 20% slow if unit cannot be converted.

Level 3mana.gif 65-20 second cooldown, 30% slow if unit cannot be converted.

Level 4mana.gif 65-15 second cooldown, 40% slow if unit cannot be converted.


AiusNaturesA.gif Nature's Attendants (Releases a swarm of wisps to heal nearby allies in a 300 radius. Each wisp lasts 10 seconds and heals 10hp/sec. )


Level 1mana.gif 125-3 Wisps.

Level 2mana.gif 140-5 Wisps.

Level 3mana.gif 155-7 Wisps.

Level 4mana.gif 170-9 Wisps.


AiusUntoucha.gif Untouchable (Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack. )


Level 1 - 30% reduction.

Level 2 - 50% reduction.

Level 3 - 70% reduction.



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