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[DISCUSSION]Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

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nice game. i have play it 1 or 2 times. and i like it. the story is very good.

Any opinion for the mp mode?'ve you tried it out?
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The MP Mode is It’s kill or be killed

Can you please answer my question stated below?

IS there only one multiplayer mode or more?

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Thanks for reviewing the game Youtzi.

Imo,ACII's ending was confusing as well but it doesn't matter.I,myself,tend to be a perfectionist and I think I'll be burning my ass until I achieve 100% sync.

I have one lil question.

Are there any side missions/quests on Desmond's life,while having left animus?


no there aren't but leaving the animus could be somewhat interesting since by exploring monteriggioni you find some kind of collectables...well it's better than nothing, in the previous AC Desmond appeared in,like, 3-4 missions tops...so now the game itself reminds you who the protagonist is

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i dont remember now for this :/ .

Οk,once you do,lemme know!

no there aren't but leaving the animus could be somewhat interesting since by exploring monteriggioni you find some kind of collectables...well it's better than nothing, in the previous AC Desmond appeared in,like, 3-4 missions tops...so now the game itself reminds you who the protagonist is

I will ask that again!While leaving animus,you can fully-control desmond?For instance,you see people walking and you can punch 'em?

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What you mean By 2 MP  Modes? Its like this


Main Menu --> 1 One choice For Multiplayer

Now when you press on MP it will go you to another screen when you Have 4 Choices


Play now

Ranked Match

Players Match

Invite friends ( not so sure)


Anyway Now i always go on with Play now its more fast.Then you have to Choose You Assasin From i think 9 Assasins.And then You Play


There are 2 Games.


First Is named WANTED


In the ‘Wanted’ mode, it’s every Guy for themselves as the player selects an appropriate persona and is loaded into an  map that is filled with AI controlled duplicates of all the active personas selected.You can then locate your target using a compass that indicates direction, height, distance and line-of-sight, placing them within the vicinity of the target allowing them to use their observation skills, wits and intuitions to correctly identify the target and bring home the pain.


2nd  Called Alliance


three teams go head to head with each team expected to hunt another team out while being pursued by another, and ‘Manhunt’ where one team hunts while another attempts to hide


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood's Multiplayer is something truly unique to enjoy and is certainly my multiplayer game of 2010 that I know I'll be coming back to again and again. , it does have niggles and it certainly takes some time to adjust to the Brotherhood paradigm.

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What you mean By 2 MP  Modes? Its like this


Main Menu --> 1 One choice For Multiplayer

Now when you press on MP it will go you to another screen when you Have 4 Choices


Play now

Ranked Match

Players Match

Invite friends ( not so sure)


Anyway Now i always go on with Play now its more fast.Then you have to Choose You Assasin From i think 9 Assasins.And then You Play


There are 2 Games.


First Is named WANTED


In the ‘Wanted’ mode, it’s every Guy for themselves as the player selects an appropriate persona and is loaded into an  map that is filled with AI controlled duplicates of all the active personas selected.You can then locate your target using a compass that indicates direction, height, distance and line-of-sight, placing them within the vicinity of the target allowing them to use their observation skills, wits and intuitions to correctly identify the target and bring home the pain.


2nd  Called Alliance


three teams go head to head with each team expected to hunt another team out while being pursued by another, and ‘Manhunt’ where one team hunts while another attempts to hide


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood's Multiplayer is something truly unique to enjoy and is certainly my multiplayer game of 2010 that I know I'll be coming back to again and again. , it does have niggles and it certainly takes some time to adjust to the Brotherhood paradigm.

Τhat's what I was asking.

So there are 2 multiplayer game modes.

Thanks for the information dude :)

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Οk,once you do,lemme know!I will ask that again!While leaving animus,you can fully-control desmond?For instance,you see people walking and you can punch 'em?


You have full control over Desmond but you can only explore the area of Monteriggioni,there are no people

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You have full control over Desmond but you can only explore the area of Monteriggioni,there are no people

I bought it yesterday and started it today.I really like it :p
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Yeah it rocks...I had been playing for 7.5 hours in a row the first day that I bought it...I was so much addicted that I remembered having a lesson 20 minutes after it was over

Well,I didn't find it that much addictive but it rocks for sure :
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  • 3 weeks later...

I Asked the Steam Support With Name : Paul And Not Answered.

Released Only In Official Site with cost 49,99$

On Steam Stores Release Date N/A.


Its Something New On Assassins Series check the new Edition Of Asssassins Creed II Deluxe Edition With 3 New Maps.


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