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[info]Summoner Spells

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trynd is not a threat at 3v3 nor at 5v5

i usually ban maplhite/morde/mundo


I know, but if your teammates cannot manage playing against these champs, you have to ban them, so that they won't feed or fail late game...

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Ok, so i've just started LoL and i need some suggestions about best 2 spells?

I usually use Exhaust and Heal, some other suggestions?

And some opinions about Smite?


Heal is a great spell for beginers. Later, you'll learn to play without it, and replace it with something more useful.


Exhaust is an awesome spell. It's a good counter against melee dps champions like Master Yi and Tryndamere, since not only it slows but also blinds them making them useless for a while.


Smite is a spell used by junglers. Some great junglers imo are Warwick, Rammus, Evelynn (wouldn't recommend jungle Eve to beginers). With smite you can jungle faster and secure your neutrals from getting stolen by your enemies. You can also use it to secretly steal enemy jungler's buffs (really easy if he doesn't use Smite. Just ward Dragon, enemy lizard and golem and steal them over the wall while they cannot even see you. Late game you can even steal Baron with that shit if you get used to it ;)

However I've seen support heroes like Soraka and Janna use it in order to steal enemy buffs. Keep in mind that supports are the least summoner spell/item dependant heroes in the game, so it wouldn't be a bad move.


When I started playing lol I was always using Ghost/Heal, but then started to choose my Summoner Spells according to the champion I'm playing.

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Heal is the best spell for beginners, just like Aequitatis said.

My most favorite spells are Ignite and Flash, although my most common spell combo is always with Teleport(imho most useful spell).

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Heal is the best spell for beginners, just like Aequitatis said.

My most favorite spells are Ignite and Flash, although my most common spell combo is always with Teleport(imho most useful spell).


I always pick Teleport at champions capable of fast backdooring. It's a nice spell to pick if you've got no champions like Pantheon and TF in your team.

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I thought smite does dmg to the others heroes, i have just made a match using smite, only in game i realized that smite is only for minions. >.<

Anyway in this last match when i was trying to chose any hero it was telling me "u must unluck it first" (or smth like that) and when the match started guess what hero i had? cassiopeia (or w/e) .. know why this happened? ;D

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I thought smite does dmg to the others heroes, i have just made a match using smite, only in game i realized that smite is only for minions. >.<

i thought the same when i started.

Anyway in this last match when i was trying to chose any hero it was telling me "u must unluck it first" (or smth like that) and when the match started guess what hero i had? cassiopeia (or w/e) .. know why this happened? ;D

it happens because today heroes are changing!
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