WeirdSituation Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 Hello community. Exhaust Blinds the target (100% miss chance) and slows its Movement Speed by 40% for 3 seconds. One of the best summmoner skills for sure. You could practically use this on anyone- even Soraka. 100% miss chance on the opponent for 2 seconds could mean factoring out the enemy's carry for those 2 seconds- enough to make a change in a teamfight. This skill also adds a "slow" on them, although not as effective when using it on some champions who can flash or speed away (say... Overdrive?). Using exhaust to guarantee a kill on a fleeing enemy is not uncommon. Exhaust also has a 3rd function when investing in it in masteries- first blood with Ryze. It will reduce their armor and magic resistance by 10, making spell flux imba in lvl 1 fights. Not just Ryze, however; Anyone who wants a big tactical advantage over the opponent could use exhaust to cause 100% blind, slow, AND armor/magic resistance reduction could use this. I would even use this skill on Nasus just for the extra oomph. Champions who could use this well: Everyone really, although Ryze and other assassins would find more use out of it when hunting down opponents. Redundancies: There aren't really any redundancies... Exhaust just has a multitude of uses that it could be used by anyone. Ghost Your Champion ignores unit collision and moves 27% faster for 14 seconds. Useful skill- you can outrun enemies (or catch them) for sure with this skill, but you can still get stunned; This is why ghost is usually paired with cleanse. This spell doesn't help with teamfights much in my opinion, so I usually avoid this spell. You might have a better reason, so tell me what you think. Champions who could use this well: hunters/chasers like Jax and Redundancies: Zilean, Blitzcrank, and other champions with speed-increasing skills. Champions using boots of swiftness and mobility shouldn't be getting this either... There are better summoner skills out there for you. Heal Restores 140 + 20 x level health to your Champion and 50% of that to nearby allies. I generally don't use heal, but that's just the way I see things. It does, however, has its uses. Well the first obvious choice is to heal. You might make some escapes in early game with this skill, but it becomes nearly useless late game. Don't count on this skill to save your Gluteus Maximus. BAIT. Having heal on Rammus, Soraka, or any other cleric/tank would make you the perfect bait. Just appear on a lane with low hp, and watch as people appear to come and gank you. Of course, let your team know you'll be doing this, and you can set them up for defeat. Support. Heal makes a lovely support spell for saving allies, but again. Don't count on this to save their pretty little buttocks. You could also use this to trick the other team into thinking you're a noob instead of a predator. Champions who could use this well: Clerics (for the extra support), baits. Redundancies:...Meh. I'd say everyone. Tell me what you think in the comments. Revive Instantly revives your Champion at your Spawning Pool, 9 minute cooldown. I'm not even going to bother talking about the uses in this skill. Fine, maybe I will, but it's not going to be what you expect. Revive in general is saying to everyone that you expect to die. This skill is pretty much useless. QUEUE DODGING. I have had so much fun queue dodging people by getting Revive and Clarity on Shen/Katarina. Yeah, Revive has its uses. :) Champions who could use this skill well: Beginners in a high elo game. They'll be getting a lot of use out of this spell. Smite Deals 420, plus 35 times your level, damage to target enemy minion or pet. Smite is pretty underrated. It has its fair share of uses, however. Jungling: Warwicks and other early junglers could use this to help them grab the buffs without their teammate's help. Extra Money: Soraka, Gangplank, and other champions who cannot farm well can use this skill to give them that extra money throughout the game to keep up or stay above the other characters, especially in early game. Tibber's Taser: Yeah. Just pop this baby on Annie's precious Tibbers to cut out over half its hp. This always brings me the lawls. I'm not sure if this works on Mordekaiser's spirits; could someone tell me whether it would work or not? haha :) Champions who could use this skill well: Champions in need of extra money, junglers. Redundancies: If you're not categorized in one of the above, you don't need this skill. Teleport After 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target friendly minion or turret. NOOB, WHY WOULD YOU GET TELEPORT. Actually, teleport's pretty useful too. Early-mid game laning: If you had to blue-pill back, you're gonna take a long time walking back. Teleport ensures that you lose minimal exp, and allows you to go back and shop too. Game presence: How do you let your opponents feel your presence? By teleporting around (in ganking phase,) you can create a sense of paranoia in your opponents, ESPECIALLY when you have good harassing/killing capabilities. "Are they in the bushes? Behind me? Never mind, they're on the right lane." Opponents will constantly be checking for you. They just don't know it. Stealthy teleports: For Twitch and Evelynn, you can stealth right before activating teleport, and appear somewhere without being seen. For opponents that notice the teleport animation in a creep or tower, it's like seeing a shark in the water. They better get the hell out of there. BACKDOOR! If you've got a Twisted Fate or a stealth character in your team and you're losing, you may consider this idea. Have them put a ward inside their base and have everyone teleport to it. People generally hate the idea of backdooring, but it sure is fun to try. Champions who could use this skill well: Carries and assassins. Redundancies: Shen and Twisted Fate. They can teleport anywhere, they have better summoner spells to use. Unless you're the TF that wants to use the ward-teleport tactic. Cleanse Removes all debuffs from your champion and reduces the duration of subsequent stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps and immobilizes by 50% for the next 3 seconds. One reason and one reason only: To save your sorry butt after you get CC'd. When your opponent stun, slow, or blind you, they take control over you- Cleanse can negate any negative effects, making it very useful for anyone, really. Champions who could use this skill well: Practically everyone, but mainly carries. Redundancies: If you're getting Quicksilver Sash... I'd still this skill. Maybe Mundo wouldn't really need this skill. Fortify Grants invulnerability to all Allied Turrets, 100% faster attack speed, and 50% splash damage for 6 seconds. Grants you 7 bonus damage to minions while off cooldown. I've always loved fortify because it reminded me of that glyph of fortification in DotA. Protect your towers! Yeah, this will protect the turrets for a short amount of time, while they are given an extra attack speed boost. Great for saving towers, not so great in teamfights. Rarely have I ever seen this skill help kill someone. Champions who could use this skill well: DotA fans, champions who have nothing better to use. Redundancies: You don't really need this skill, you could live without it. You could even go through an entire game without using it, so I would avoid this skill. Clarity Restores 160 + 30 x level Mana to your Champion and 50% of that to nearby allies. Provides mana for you and your nearby allies. Great for mana-dependent heroes like Cryophoenix and Veigar, especially early game. Bait? Yeah that's right. Clarity is used to bait smart players. Generally a Veigar without mana is a dead Veigar, unless they've got this skill. I wouldn't get this skill for just this purpose though. QUEUE-DODGING! Get this on Katarina before the game even starts, and you can get queue dodged :) Champions who could use this skill well: Mana-heavy casters. And picky evil people who use this tactic when they see someone with revive on their team. They could be a queue dodger too lol. Redundancies: If you don't use mana, if you aren't even that hungry for mana, you don't even need to look at this skill. Ignite Ignite is a damage over time spell that targets a single champion, dealing 50 damage plus 25 damage per level over 5 seconds and reduces the target's healing and regeneration by 50%. This damage is not lowered by armor or magic resistance. I didn't really see the power in Ignite til I started using it. I'd say its effects are similar to drugs- it's friggin' addictive. Burn Baby Burn: Damage over Time is always useful as an extra source of damage; Great for first blood and other kills. Heal reduction: This is the biggest, baddest weapon against Mundo (and other regen peeps.) This skill will reduce their healing to only 50%. Suddenly Mundo doesn't look so threatening. KS! Yeah. Use this skill to ks. Works a lot haha- It's a good way to earn stacks in a mean, mean way. Champions who could use this well: Carries, assassins, and ksers. Redundancies: Tristana is the only one that comes to mind.. But even then, it's not even that bad on him. Rally Summons a beacon with 200 + 25 x level Health for 15 seconds which increases allied base Physical Damage by 10-35 Attack Damage. Team/jungling skill- usually I forget that this skill is even there, so I avoid this skill. Don't get me wrong however, it could turn the teamfights around. Now that this skill's AoE heal has been removed, I can see why people avoid it. Still, if you're support, dropping a rally in the middle of a teamfight can turn things around. AoE Damage increase: For teamfights, this would help... but not much. Chances are, this isn't going to make any significant change in a teamfight. Jungling: Some champions like Warwick could use this skill to help jungle faster. Champions who could use this well: Anyone. Redundancies: No one. Everyone can use this skill. Might not find as much use in Twisted Treeline. Clairvoyance Reveals an area of the map for 6 seconds (castable anywhere). Sightseeing skill- most underused skill in the game. I see more people use Revive than Clairvoyance. Clairvoyance has a 60 second cooldown! I've tried this on Soraka, and it works wonders. Prevents ganks, saves lives, and deters the other team from killing Baron if used right. "But Waffles, it doesn't contribute to team fights!" Oh yes it does. If only three enemies are visible, use clairvoyance and spot the other two. Baron interrupt- Spotting the other team trying to kill Baron will usually deter them from attempting it. If your team is dead, this isn't gonna do much. This would apply to any golem/lizard camp too. Gank prevention- Being able to see an enemy in the bushes can be more than enough to put them off. Map awareness- Since your teammates can see what you see, this will contribute to your team A LOT. Map awareness is everything. Teleport/blink- Thanks to Frisch for reminding me. Akali could use Shadow Dance on creeps to juke around the jungle. Some people would just take Flash instead, but clairvoyance offers more than just another way to juke. Champions who could use this spell well: Support- anyone else could use it too. Especially Blitzcrank. Redundancies: This isn't the best spell to put on a carry. Flash Teleports your Champion to target nearby location. Flash pops incoming projectiles when used. One of the most controversial skills in the game. Overrated by some. Extremely useful by others. But it's just another trick up my sleeve. Blink (in general): Increase or decrease distance between you and opponent. Blink over cliffs: Haha I love doing this one actually. Juking enemies over cliffs is amazingly fun. Pretty basic, but still needs mention. Blink combo: I've heard that Katarina and Nunu can cast this while in her ult... Not sure if it's true, but it'd be amazing if it works. This definitely works for Morgana's ult though. Fiddles could use this to make the most of his ultimate. Champions who could use this spell well: Anyone. Everyone. Literally. Redundancies: Maybe you've already gotten some kind of skill to "blink" away (e.g Valkyrie, Riftwalk, etc.) I'd still get this for versatility, though you may find it better to replace this skill with something else. Quote
Fortuna Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 Revive's actually a great choice for Pantheon and TF. Quote
Nosti21 Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 oo nice wrd. thank you for the informations :P Quote
Belzebul Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 wrd would you like to see what a good tryndamere, pantheon and tf can do with revive? Quote
WeirdSituation Posted December 25, 2010 Author Posted December 25, 2010 wrd would you like to see what a good tryndamere, pantheon and tf can do with revive? i know what they can do without revive, so i dont wanna know. :p Quote
Fortuna Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 wrd would you like to see what a good tryndamere, pantheon and tf can do with revive? Revive on Trynda? Only an emo, who's sure they'll lose, would do that, since the only situation that Revive would be useful on Trynda would be when the enemies Ace your team in your base and you need to immediately respawn and pentakill them since they're all at 100 HP. Quote
GeneralKenody Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 (edited) ... Edited March 5, 2022 by Gregor Quote
Fortuna Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 And smite is a key spell for anti meta What do you mean? Early game-roflstomp with jungle ganks or Baron steals? Quote
GeneralKenody Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 (edited) ... Edited March 6, 2022 by Gregor Quote
Fortuna Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 I mean destroying enemies game instead of playing yours One example is to play with double tp and double smite placing a ward near enemy mana golem and pwn him That's not only a kill but it's also mama buff steal and beep enemy jungler for whole game letting him underleved cause nearly all champs can't jungle with without mana That's only one example.anti meta is whole other game strategy. Also it's not only used vs junglers but I'm bored to explain it more and I won't cause all you are saying I'm noob lol Ah, y. I always ward enemy lizard, golem and dragon when I'm jungling, stealing enemy buffs. Pretty easy when they don't use smite xD Still remember a jungle fiddle who was lvl 5 while everyone in our team was 8-10. He ended up with 1/17 or something... Talking about junglers... Have you tried the "new" jungle AD Eve? They say she's the best counter-jungle (Sounds reasonable, because of Stealth). Early game she's a great ganker, that forces enemies at every lane to invest money for wards, mid game she hits for 500 +/-, while late game she deals 800 +/- on squishies. I've tried her twice on ranked games and won both, but didn't happen to have a jungler at the enemy team to test her counter-jungle capabilities... btw, personally, I've never called you a noob, since we haven't played many matches together and I can't know if you're good or bad. Noone can judge from theory. Same thing happened when I first heard about Evelynn playing jungle with AD build and revive/Smite as summoner spells. I was like "What the fuck are these retards talking about?". Then I saw a video someone linked and i was really surprised by her effectiveness. Then tried it myself and it really worked without me being a great eve player... Quote
GeneralKenody Posted December 26, 2010 Posted December 26, 2010 (edited) ... Edited March 6, 2022 by Gregor Quote
Fortuna Posted December 26, 2010 Posted December 26, 2010 i heard for evelyn from my team but never saw her in a game also i see ppl ban her at solo Q ranked lol! Still never seen her banned a single time... They always ban morde. I really cannot understand why they find morde so dangerous to perma-ban him... Quote
GeneralKenody Posted December 26, 2010 Posted December 26, 2010 (edited) ... Edited March 6, 2022 by Gregor Quote
Fortuna Posted December 26, 2010 Posted December 26, 2010 cause he can farm many many creeps even if he is not as good as he was be4 nerf he still tank + deal big dmg He's still not a huge threat. Personally, I usually ban Morgana/Malphite, but I sometimes ban champs like Morde and Trynda when my teammates qq on team chat. If my teammates cannont counter these champions, I have to ban them... Quote
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