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hellbound [L2J]L2 Victoria


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Since most of the topics are closed or dead i decided to open this one.




- 25x EXP Rates

- 25x Adena rate

- Global Gatekeeper

- NPC Buffer

- GM Shop until B.

- Automated TvT Events

- 1 month Olympiad

- Auto Learn skills

- 2 hours Buff Time


- Balanced classes & skills!

- class changer.

- Sub Class max lvl 85

- Nobless Quest Like Reatail.

- Full hellbound island lvl 11.

- Seed of destruction working.

- Geodata & Pathnodes

- Active development team

- No downtimes!!

- More to come, more to experience, just join to find out!





Server soon is going to be Freya.


Freya ?

Take a moment and read what Freya will change , pls remember we are ruining on a java platform, ad we are not 100% retail with all changes, All Java developers works on bringing new quest zone mobs .... as fast as we can. Flaming forums ore in game chat will not help.



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