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Hello everyone I have a question about how to add something in my website.

Well, my website contains a lot of html files(ex: index.html / contact.html / features.html and other like this) and if I want to change something in the style I have to edit one by one the files.

What I mean? For example I have about 50 html files and I want to change something... hmm. the copyright from 2010 to 2011, I have to open all my html files and edit the copyright from 2010 to 2011.

How I could avoid it?

I think there's a way like this:


but I don't know how to use it

Thank you in advance!

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include 'x.html' //I don't know if this has to be a php file...



I ain't sure but that's what I think...

i will try this

Explain better i didnt get a shit from your post

I dont think that I could explain better
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