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[WTS] Few L2J Features


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Conquerable Locations Mod Updated:



Some new images included (as a description)


This mod is fully working now.


Crystal Main Window (chat):





Owner (clan leader) may buy/enable/disable addintional abilities:





Whole Conquerable Location mod is well described, there is "Crystal Guide" button





You can always check basic info about current owner of the location:





Note: There are new Crystal Abilities/Functions in development.


Also please take a look at whole description of this mod (1st post)


This mod may be easily installed, contains 1 java file, 1 sql file and 5 htm files.


You can create as much conqerable locations with this crystal, as you wish.


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Mysterious Elven Ruins Mod:



There may be only one party inside at the same time. You can stay there only for ten minutes, after this time your party will be teleported back.




1) Only Party Leader may use teleport button


2) You need party with 5 members at least


3) Each member should be level 82 or above



2. Everything is well described in game (nice tutorial about how does it work etc)





3. If this loction is not empty (another party is inside, there is proper info)




If location is not empty, nobody may enter, after 10 minutes, party will be teleported back, and location will be empty again. By default, there are spawned 50 monsters (randomly) and only one has treasure, players goal is to find and kill this "special" monster - they have to do it fast, they have only 10 minutes. They may enter once again, but there will be new, different position of Monsters, also special monster with treasure will be selected again.



This mod may be easily modified - with your ideas.






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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am very dissapointed, i am waiting for a month for an update i am trying to contact him but i never get a response..


May I know which customer you are? Give me your MSN via pm and thats all.


Im using ebuddy (web msn) because windows live msn doesn't work (since few months)


And it has often problems such no messages receiving while beeing offline.


So as I said, send me MSN (your msn adress) via pm, and I will contact you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Conquerable Locations mod price: 30€


Mysterious Elven Ruins mod price: 20€


Others java npcs from the list price: 10€


Your own ideas price: deepends from complexity, to discuss.



Constant free updates (extending features, conquerable one especially)


Free Support.


Payment via Paypal or PaySafeCard, payment before receiving code/s.


Each price may be discussed, conquerable mod is really expanded and unique aswell.


Contact via MSN or pm here.



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