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[Guide] Tyrant

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U say that i must stop, r u joking from me? u still make stupid posts, -2 karma, this proofs that u r nice spammer. Itsn`t my problem that u have problem with my guide, i just want that u stop spam... I sayed some days ago that if my guide r sux make ur own guide


also,xax0r,the guide u did is way worse thatn koronzon1's




Good Job meng,when i first saw it,i thought it was a completely dump guide.You fixed it,and now it's a proper one


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You have wrong informations on your topic..i dont think a tyrant must be played like that.Also you forget to show us the buffs on Freya servers too.I think it must be locked.It's not good for newbies!

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In my opinion Tyrant is the best class for interlude pvp,fists crt stun, force barrier, zealot, bison and u pwned all



Many mistakes on the guide but this one is surely true.

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