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interlude L2 Crow , Retail like pvp server


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Obiously is not like retail , you haven't to craft or to make quests . I meant with Retail Like , that the pvp is absoluty equal to retail when It was interlude .


With Love , Crow

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I would definitely try this one,no matter the online people server seems nice.

Dude..... check out RaidFight's server...its exactly the same idea except better....wayyyyyy better



Apologize for intending advertisement :S

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It has NPC buffers+custom farm zones

you can't call it retail lol

That server also has a server, and because its a custom farming zone that means it will bring people into one arena for greater pvp.

No matter what server it is, nothing will ever has the amount of people retail has/will have

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flavio ur off the topic and btw , this server is very nicely done , and we don`t play RaidFight cuz it`s EPILOGAY and l2 has stop existing for me since Hellbound+.


On: well , 30 ppl are enough for the first day of live server w/o any kind of advertising over voting sites.


Good luck ! c`ya ingame

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Server is quite cool but imo it could do better if you implented some kind of vote rewards (to raise popularity) and while the community is still small I'd advice you to keep the farm areas small and make them less so more people can be on the same spot at the same time . Anyways great server keep up the good work .

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