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Stray animals


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There are several stray cats in my area.

I used to feed them along with my dog every day, there were 9 of them so it was a bit costly but never mind


Recently, I noticed a decrease in their numbers, only 3-4 of them showed up.

I also noticed some people giving them raw meat, but I thought they changed their minds about them and started to feed them.


Bullshit. Now there was only one cat, and there's another one outside my house, laying down, with some weird foam in its mouth, unable to move or react. I gave it food but it didnt eat it, nor water. We called a vet but he wasn't there, and I really doubt it's gonna be of any use - the cat is doomed


What can I do?

Who can I talk to?

I feel fucking disgusted at the moment

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since the user is using this topic in english language then don't -beep- around with tag rules.

if topics doesn't have the gr tag on its tittle then keep it in english.



on topic



i have a doubt that those cats got a disease and is nothing you can do. :(


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Τhere's nothing you can do, simply because you have no idea about what's REALLY happening..

However, it looks like some of your sadist neighbours do(es) not really enjoy the presence of these cats.

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i have a doubt that those cats got a disease and is nothing you can do. :(

No disease is strong enought and agressive to kill those cats in a month or so, erol.

It might by some kind of position.


@Adrea, in the cat's nose use some Celistoderm 1 or 2 times per day, for 4-5 days and try keep the cat busy in order to dont lick it or remove it with his/her foot.

If i were yoiu i would print a txt like "Μπραβο κυριαρχα οντα που σκτωσατε τις γατες, ευχομαι να μη μαθω ποιος το κανει "Βασιλης Δ.""


For more issues or problems you can call:



Πανγακλαχώρι, 74100 Ρέθυμνο, Κρήτη

Τηλ: 28310-72138

e-mail: jayb@otenet.gr


They will send you veterinary help as soon as possible.


@Bloodywarrior, he was already in reality.


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This is not funny.





Yes it is . Everything is funny on this world for the 90% of humanity.Someone must tell them

what means funny.

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The cat died, 2 hours after the post, it was obviously poisoned, cause I remember the same cat one week or so

I have some suspicions about the killers , they are the owners of the building next to mine, we share the same backyard , with only a wall separating ours from theirs. The cats hang around in both backyards, mostly because they are gardens with trees and they give them cover for the rain


Fortunately , there are still 3 cats around (I found one lying over the dead one before) . If ANYTHING happens to them, I'll be obliged to make some calls.

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The cat died, 2 hours after the post, it was obviously poisoned, cause I remember the same cat one week or so

I have some suspicions about the killers , they are the owners of the building next to mine, we share the same backyard , with only a wall separating ours from theirs. The cats hang around in both backyards, mostly because they are gardens with trees and they give them cover for the rain


Fortunately , there are still 3 cats around (I found one lying over the dead one before) . If ANYTHING happens to them, I'll be obliged to make some calls.

The only thing I know, if you take pictures of someone poisoning animals, he'll be charged with a fine and he can also been arrested.
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