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mm-hmmm Russian ? files are translated in russian also ?

Yep it's all in russian language. So it's totally useless for u  :(. tsounakas should have written about it :)


fix Spread Wing

fix rollback Greater Battle Heal

fix Dynasty Breast Plate - Force Master

fix Dynasty Tunic Wizard

translate doormen

0600 fix-0699.xml

fix HowtoOpposeEvil

fix 701_Proof_Of_Existence

fix ai Benom

Cleaning in scripts

fix 2510_Flyboatlicense

fix config

Core: java.lang.NullPointerException? FIX

small fix in your optional

fix nps.sql

add community server tnx l2jserver

fix events

fix Dynasty Leather Gloves

FIX Staff of Clarity

fix Goddard Guard Earring

Fixed Life force is tradable, sellable, dropable.

add clanhall_siege.sql

Core: Auto-Event leprikon

1400 fix-1499.xml

3900 fix-3999.xml






Added work Comunity Server

imports for the deposited kl

Edit database_installer.bat

Edit imports from AI

implementation Magic Defense Toolkit

fix Beleth Skills

configuration for sale at 0 adena

fix Symbol of Defense

fix Special Ability: Magic Power

fix skill 21042 - Baguette's Blessing

fix soybeans at CB

fix Furious Soul

fix Fury Fists

Changes in the core messages

tattoo fix

add command. expon. expoff (need test)

support core giveMP

fix Dynasty Leather set

Edit Dynasty Tunic

Edit Dynasty Leather Gloves

edit stats Leodas

edit stats Native Elite Soldier

fix 21042 add MP

developments in AI

groundwork on. info

fix handlers

fix leprikona

Skill fix: Fire Squad


Fix for skill epilogue:

-Heavy Armor Mastery (fix sharpening skill attack speed)

-Triple Sonic Slash (fix rollback skill)

-Soul of Sagittarius (fix rollback skill)

-Wrath (fix castRange)

-Clan Lifeblood (Fixed skill clan of epilogue)

-Clan Magic Protection (Fixed skill clan of epilogue)

-Clan Luck (Fixed skill clan of epilogue)

-Heroic Miracle (fix mana consumption and rollback)

-Banish Undead (fix power when sharpening skill Fixed effects and time)

-Psycho Symphony (Fixed debaff time and power)

-Demonic Blade Dance (Fixed debaff time and power)

-Zealot (fix attack speed and attack)

-Archery (fix-range attacks)

-Song of Silence (Fixed-power)

-Shield of Revenge (fix mana consumption)

-Banish Seraph (fix power skill, and debuff)

-Shock Stomp (fix-time stuna)

-Symbol of Defense (fix mana consumption)

-Symbol of Noise (fix mana consumption, fixed time effect)

-Symbol of Resistance (fix mana consumption)

-Symbol of Honor (fix mana consumption)

-Symbol of Energy (fix mana consumption)

-Symbol of the Sniper (fix mana consumption)

-Symbol of the Assassin (fix mana consumption)

-Fallen Attack (Fixed rate)

-Double Thrust) Fixed casting speed)

-Furious Soul (fix cAtk)

-Penetrating Shot (fix rollback skill)

-Shift Target (fix-range effect)

-Fast Shot (fix rollback skill)

-Spread Wing (Fixed radius of skill and skill roll)

-Shoulder Charge (Corrected strength skill)

-Blade Rush (Fixed force skill)

-Life to Soul (Fixed casting speed)

-Fire Trap (Fixed lifetime)

-Poison Trap (Fixed lifetime)

-Slow Trap (Fixed lifetime)

-Flash Trap (Fixed lifetime)

-Binding Trap (Fixed lifetime)

-Real Target (Fixed undo)

-Imbue Dark Seed (fix-range effect)

-Cure Dark Seed (fix rollback skill, and correction of the effect)

-Enuma Elish (Fixed radius)

-Song of Elemental (fixed price next song)

-Critical Wound (corrected time debuff, plus debuff not recover to resist Crete goal, but rather would add corrected)

-Spoil Bomb (Corrected radius of skill)

-Nail Attack (corrected MP consumption, fixed power and skill undo)

-Wing Assault (Fixed rollback skill)

-Horn Assault (Fixed-range effect, fix the rollback skill, fix casting skill)

-Attack Buster (casting skill fix, fix the radius of the skill)

-Attack Storm (fix-range skill, fixed cast time, fix the rollback skill)

-Attack Rage (fix rollback skill)

-Sand Cloud (fix-range skill)

-Rolling Attack (fix table force)

-Howl (fix)

-Hamstring (Fixed rate)

-Sonic Buster-fixe (rollback and the radius of epilogue)

-Summon Siege Golem (increased time devouring crystals on Epilogue)

-Remedy (rollback on Epilogue)

-Detect Insect Weakness (rollback on Epilogue)

-Poison Blade Dance (rollback on Epilogue)


Fix transformations (on epilogue):

-Fix stats Transform Grail Apostle

-Fix stats Transform Unicorn

-Fix stats Transform Lilim Knight

-Fix stats Transform Golem Guardian

-Fix stats Transform Inferno Drake

-Fix stats Transform Dragon Bomber







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