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[SHARE] Enchanted Mana Script


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well here is my first sharing.. meybe its shared alredy but i didnt found it :) and its really helpefull for me ;) i hope will be for u guys too :)


here is


//>>> Start use mana pots when mana is at 50%
USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=22300])
//>>>>> 30 seconds Delay
//>>>> If the mana is below 70% use mana pot again




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hmm what it give ? it Enchanted mana potions or what ?


nope walker use enchanted mana pots when ur MP fall to 50%  u can correct % always u can put 70 or 80% its helpefull for bishops on mass pvp too ;) to dont farget drinking pots xD

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k thx but what exatcly i do with it ??? i copy that text to " make script " and What next ?



1. copy text to: Script Make

2. save script

3. go to Script Run, and press Flash button

4. choose your script from the list, and press run



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why did u remove the copy right that was on top of the script???, this should be minus Karma for u, u take credit for someone elses work and say u wrote it!.


where u read that? its mine creation i got it from friend and just share it  rofl..

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CharStatus(MP,<,50) //>>> VERIFY IF CHAR MP IS LOW THAN 50%  <<<//



USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=728])

DELAY(300) //>>> MANA POT DELAY (30000=30 SECONDS)  <<<//

CharStatus(MP,<,60) //>>> IF CHAR MP IS LOW THAN 70% USE MANA POT AGAIN    <<<//









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so how can it be your creation if u have it from friend?


let me correct  myself


where u read its my creation? i just GOT IT from friend and just SHARE IT!....


its enought and GOOD explain for ya guys ?

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