tismanassou Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 WEBSITE * FORUM Please note that l2Isignia have been development with great care the server on which you can delve into the amazing secrets of the game Lineage II. Configure our server named L2 Isignia require many sleepless nights, and therefore we hope that our efforts will find much acceptance among you as future players. Will gladly provide you any information in our forums www.l2isignia.com/smf . If you have any questions, feel free to write and our team will be as soon as possible to answer questions bothering you. We think that we will not fail your expectations, and you will be happy to visit our server. We spent a lot of months working on it, and I bet plenty of you are excited to see it. Now, just join us, so you can use it without end... NO DONATIONS General Informations : Rates/Basics INFO: * Retail Like * Exp x7 * SP x7 * Adena x7 * Drop x7 * Spoil x7 (drop chance) * Drop Raid Boss x2 * Drop quest x3 * Quest reward x1 * Enchant Safe +4 * Enchant Max +16 * Enchant Rate 50% Quests : * Class Manager For Quests Buffs Informations : * Buffers Buffs Duration 1h NO DONATIONS General Informations : Rates/Basics INFO: * Exp x5000 * SP x5000 * Adena x5000 * Drop x1 * Spoil x1 (drop chance) * Drop Raid Boss x100 * Drop quest x5000 * Quest reward x5000 Skill Certification working / skill enchant via mastery codex. Quests : * Class changer, no quest needed for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class * Noblesse quest from service npc * For the rest of the quest you have to do it yourself Olympiad Informations : * The olympiad period is 2 weeks Buffs Informations : * Anty Buff skill * 30 Buff and 10 additional debuff slots * Custom buffer (, custom buff time) * 6 hours normal buff * 6 hours dances and song * 6 hours prophecies, * Cat & Unicorn buff Farming Informations : * Bosses with customised drops * No much farming needed General Informations : Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore incl. Hyper-Threading Technology * RAM 24 GB DDR3 RAM * Hard discs 2 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD (Software-RAID 1) * NIC 1 GBit OnBoard connected at 100 MBit * Backup Space 100 GB * Traffic Unlimited*
Justice Posted November 4, 2010 Posted November 4, 2010 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=179230.0
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