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[SOTW]#1 Results - Winners and Loosers


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Hello there,

This is the results thread of the 1st official SOTW event hosted @ maxcheaters.com!

The staff'd like to thank all the participants for a -let's say- healthy and succeeded competition.

As for me,I guess it failed hard 'coz of my lack of time and organization and I promise that the next ones will be way better and more interesting than this one.

Anyway,let's get to the point.



  • DaRkSLaYeR
  • Blane
  • Project
  • unqART
  • VeGe
  • AndroniX
  • Hellish`


The most voted ones:

1)Hellish` - 7 votes

2)Blane - 7 votes

3)DaRkSLaYeR - 6 votes

4)ProJecT - 6 votes


Competition Statistics:

Total voters:12

Most voted:Blane & Hellish` - 7 votes

Least voted:unqART - 1 vote

1st Place: - to be added -

2nd Place: - to be added -

3rd Place: - to be added -


Regards,MD and the MxC staffers!

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i deserve an award too i won the 2nd place of the sotw with the worst tag that took me 3.5 mins to make T_T

We will probably organize a "1 on 1" match for Blane and Hellish` and one for you and project,'coz as you can clearly see,it's draw!
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We will probably organize a "1 on 1" match for Blane and Hellish` and one for you and project,'coz as you can clearly see,it's draw!


And why don't we just vote for 1 of these two?

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fss... What's the award we said? Some virtual adena and karma?

I don't give a shit about 'em >.>

Give them to DarkSlayer as a gift from me because he is fan of Kyle XY, rofl.

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fss... What's the award we said? Some virtual adena and karma?

I don't give a shit about 'em >.>

Give them to DarkSlayer as a gift from me because he is fan of Kyle XY, rofl.

like i care for em xD
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in my opinion it didn't failed due to your inactivity but due to low competition.


even blane and darkslayer if are involved seriosly into competition can make smth really awsome.



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