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[Guide]: Archers


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Hi everyone, this is my first guide in English and I'm gonna share it to you. I put all this information's together, so I hope at least some people get some help from it.


Most of the information I say is my opinion, so if you’re going to say something is wrong, at least say why and add on to the topic.


Let's get started


We have 3 Races of archer's


  • Dark elf
  • Elf
  • Human


some word's about archer's



Archers can be human, elfs, dark elfs. All archers basicly have the same set of skills to rely on, however the differences between them make on or another become godlike in some situations. The human Hawkeye (Sagittarius on 3rd proffesion) has a good all around presence on the battle field, and has a few party support skills like counter dash – which gives dash to all party members when the archer is hit. One of his best skills is Snipe, but I personally think this is a suicide skill most of the time as he cannot run for 2 minutes (omg!). The elf Silver Ranger (Moonlight Sentinel) has a small attack speed boost over the Haweye, more critical chance, evasion and running speed. The problem is that when facing a situation when he cannot run he will get in trouble as he strongly relies on kiting. The Dark Elf is the godfather of all crits! Despite the fact he has low HP, he will just put a hole in you when he crits. This is what makes him one of the best archers out there in the Kamael update. His Dead Eye skill will really make you fear him…



here are some info comparing them :





this pic show's you each race stats but each-one Self-buffed, best archer is SR

With prp buffs HE is god!! :P


Now some good places to xp archers


01-05: Young Keltir/Keltir/Elder Keltir (almost everywhere)

05-20: Elven ruins

20-28: Outside of Dion, Partisan Hideaway

29-32: Outskirts of Cruma Marshlands

33-34: Execution Grounds East of Dion.

35-39: Death Pass

40-48: Alligator Island, Sea of Spores

46-51: North of Ivory Tower

52-55: Cemetary

52-58: Enchanted Valley

56-65: Forsaken Plains

61-78: Forest of the Dead

66-70: Seal of Shilen

68-76: Outside Goddard

77-80: Varka Silenos Outpost


If server is low rate be patient :D or find a party with mages to xp.

Also you can use the hunting zone by opening the map.


The next step it's going to concern about the big problem 


Light armor width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0227_0.png[/img] Or Heavy armor width=32 height=32http://www.lineage2.com/images/skill_icons/skill0231.jpg[/img] ?


Pick Draconic Leather width=32 height=32http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/images/armor_t89_ul_i00.png[/img]  for


* Attack Speed/P. Atk +4%

* Maximum MP +289

* Weight Limit +5759

* DEX +1

* STR +1

* CON -2




Pick Imperial Crusader width=32 height=32http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/images/armor_t88_u_i00.png[/img] for


* P Def. +8%

* Maximum HP +445

* Sleep/Hold Probability -70%

* DEX -2

* STR +2

* Probability of Poison/Bleed -80% with Imperial Crusader Shield equipped.


In high rate server i suggest heavy otherwise i suggest light.


in order to pick a bow at S grade you have 2 choices

1.Draconic bow width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/weapon_draconic_bow_i00.png[/img]


2.Shining bow width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/weapon_shining_bow_i00.png[/img]


In each bow you can add a Special Ability (SA) which are


1.Cheap shot




3.critical slow


the best of the three is the second one Focus cause gives you critical rate by 88,critical slow is also good if you want to slow movement speed of the enemy.


Now for jewels you should wear Tateossian Jewelry Set width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00_0.png[/img] width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_tateossian_earring_i00_0.png[/img] width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_tateossian_ring_i00_0.png[/img]


also you should take a look at epic jewels because they are very important if you wear them




~Frintezza's Necklace width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00_0.png[/img]


  Mdef: 95

  Bonuses: Reflect Damage: 10%, Dark Resistance: +15%, Sleep Resistance: +30%, Bleed Resistance: +50%, Shock Resistance:  +30%, Poison Resistance: +50%, Paralysis Resistance: +30%, Re-use Delay Decrease: 10%


~Necklace Of Valakas width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00_0.png[/img]


  Mdef: 95

  Bonuses: MP: +42, HP: +445, P. Atk: +4%, M. Atk: +8%, Magic Crit: +100%, Reflect Damage: 10%, Fire Resistance: +15%, Sleep Resistance: +80%, Re-use Delay Decrease: 10%




~Earring Of Antharas width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00_0.png[/img]


  Mdef: 71

  Bonuses: MP: +31, Resistance to Bleeding: 80%, Resistance to Stun/silence: +60%, Resist Earth-type Attacks: +15%, Increase to Heals: 10%, Vampiric Rage: 6% of Damage Returned, Decrease in MP consumption: 5%


~Zaken's Earring width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00_0.png[/img]


  Mdef: 71

  Bonuses: MP: +31, Resistance to Bleeding: 60%, Resistance to Shock/Abnormal Mental State: +40%, Increase to Heals: 10%, Vampiric Rage: 4% of Damage Returned




~Ring Of Baium width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_ring_of_baium_i00_0.png[/img]


  Mdef: 48

  Bonuses: MP: +21, Resistance to Poison: 80%, Resistance to Hold: 60%, Accuracy: +2, Critical Damage: +15%, Attack Speed: +4%, Casting Speed: +4%


~Ring Of Queen Ant width=32 height=32http://lineage.pmfun.com/data/img/accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00_0.png[/img]


  Mdef: 48

  Bonuses: MP: +21, Resistance to Poison: 60%, Resistance to Hold: 40%, Accuracy: +2, Critical Damage: +15%


that's all you need.


Now some infos about pvp :D


Don't be the first to flag unless you are sure you know what you are doing. There are situations where an early-flagging archer can serve as strategic bait for a team, especially in ambush setups, but generally you don't want to be the first target in everyone's crosshairs.


Obviously you want to gun for targets with relatively low pdef and a high threat rating. Eliminating enemy healers, archers, and nukers should be your priority. Plinking arrows in a heavily armored target with a shield is rarely a good strategy.


UE (Ultimate Evasion) right before you flag. Don't wait until you're taking heavy damage to use it, or it may be too late to be of benefit. Many archers make the mistake of using UE as a tank does UD.

Watch your MP usage in a protracted fight. It's easy for an archer's MP bar to deplete quickly in PvP due to the relatively high cost of bow skills. This isn't a big issue in most PvP, but prolonged PvP can easily drain an archer dry.


Stick-and-move. Take advantage of your range and movement speed. Exception: If you are a Hawkeye being attacked by a dagger, you are often better off tanking the attacker face-to-face and only turning your back to make distance after a successful Stun Shot.


what about kiting?




If you're an archer, you will be able to use this to your advantage. Even if you do not qualify as either, using strictly daggers or swords, you still might gain from learning about this.


The first key is to know what moves fast, and what moves slowly. The best way to figure this out is via experimentation. Elves are the fastest runners in the game (fighters being faster than mystics) but regardless you will be able to outrun most mobs early on.


First, attack with your bow, pelting your enemy until it comes with your range. Then you can either run back out of the enemy's range and continue shooting it with your bow.


if the server has tattoo you should look about this

Tattoo of Power: P.Atk +12%

Tattoo of Soul: Attack Speed +33%

Tattoo of Resolve: Speed +33

Tattoo of Bravery(Braze): Critical Rate +25%

Tattoo of Pledge: P.Def +40%, Evasion +7 (Only on light armor)

Tattoo of Doom: P.Def +40% (Only on heavy armor)

Tattoo of Absolute: HP +15% (Bless The Body)


So now for the dyes i personally do not use but if you want to put look this




    * Affects P.Atk. stat through the strength modifier




    * affects maximum HP and CP through the CON modifier

    * affects HP recovery speed

    * affects weight limit

    * affects underwater breath gauge

    * affects shock (stun) resistance

    * affects bleeding resistance.




    * affects Atk. Spd., Critical and Speed stats through the DEX modifier

          o each point of dex gained makes around a 1% difference to each of those three stats except at 43 DEX, where there is a jump of almost 2%

    * affects both Accuracy and Evasion stats directly

          o amount gained through each point of dex varies, but as a general rule you can expect between .75 and .45 of accuracy and evasion per point of dex gained

          o the more dex you have, the less of these two stats you will gain by adding to dex

    * affects shield block rate

          o Rumored to affect excellent shield defense rate


Also in olympiad make sure you have done the best buffs, I don't use berseker cause low pdef...


The Basic skills you have to use during game


HawkEye (Sagittarius) PhantomRanger(GhostSentinel) SilverRanger(MoonlightSentinel)

Stun shot width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0101_0.png[/img]

A stunning blow that inflicts damage to a target with an arrow.


Double Shot width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0019_0.png[/img]

Allows two arrows to be fired quickly. Critical hit is possible. Over-hit is possible.


Hawk Eye width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0131_0.png[/img] [HawkEye(Sagittarius)]

Temporarily decreases P. Def. and increases Accuracy.


Vicious Stance width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0312_0.png[/img]

Increases critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.


Accuracy width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0256_0.png[/img]

Increases Accuracy.


Focus Skill Mastery width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0334_0.png[/img]

Significantly increases excellent skill rate triggered by Skill Mastery.


Burst Shot width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0024_0.png[/img] [silverRanger(MoonlightSentinel)] and [HawkEye (Sagittarius)]

Exploding arrows inflict damage on multiple enemies at range.


Rapid Shot width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0099_0.png[/img]

Increases speed of arrow launch.


Blessing of Sagittarius width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0416_0.png[/img] [HawkEye(Sagittarius)] and [silverRanger(MoonlightSentinel)]

Temporarily decreases a physical skill's recovery time.


Snipe width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0313_0.png[/img] [HawkEye(Sagittarius)]

Temporarily increases Accuracy, P. Atk., range of attack, and critical attack rate. Immobilizes while in effect.


Lethal Shot width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0343_0.png[/img]

Shoots a potentially deadly arrow. Over-hit is possible.


Hex width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0122_0.png[/img] [PhantomRanger(GhostSentinel)]

Temporarily reduces a target's P. Def.


Freezing Strike width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0105_0.png[/img] [PhantomRanger(GhostSentinel)]

Freezes an enemy, instantly reducing their speed.


Power Break width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0115_0.png[/img] [PhantomRanger(GhostSentinel)]

Instantly reduces enemy's P. Atk.


Dead Eye width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0414_0.png[/img] [PhantomRanger(GhostSentinel)]

Temporarily increases your Accuracy, P. Atk., and Critical Attack Power when using a bow. While in effect, your Atk. Spd. decreases.


Fatal Counter width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0314_0.png[/img] [PhantomRanger(GhostSentinel)]

Shoots an arrow containing pain of user. More powerful effect at lower HP level. Requires a bow.


Hamstring Shot width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0354_0.png[/img]

Inflicts damage to an enemy while reducing their Speed. Critical hit is possible.


Evade Shot width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0369_0.png[/img] [PhantomRanger(GhostSentinel)] and [silverRanger(MoonlightSentinel)]

Inflicts damage to the enemy and instantly increases one's Evasion significantly. Usable when one is equipped with a bow. Over-hit is possible.


Elemental Heal width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0058_0.png[/img] [silverRanger(MoonlightSentinel)]

Regenerates HP.


Spirit Barrier width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0123_0.png[/img] [silverRanger(MoonlightSentinel)]

Temporarily increases M. Def.


Rapid Fire width=32 height=32http://l2.dropspoil.com/data/img/skill0413_0.png[/img] [silverRanger(MoonlightSentinel)]

Temporarily increases your P. Atk. and Atk. Spd. when using a bow. While in effect, your firing range decreases.



So that was my guide... I hope i helped :D


ps* this guide can help you most in interlude or C4 client!!!


credits : me :D



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Where did u c/p this?(i can understand it from icons missing)

also,it's kinda useless from the fact it applies only in Interlude(lol,not in C4 there are no rapid fire/dead eye/evasion shot/lethal shot(works in other way)

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also,it's kinda useless from the fact it applies only in Interlude(lol,not in C4 there are no rapid fire/dead eye/evasion shot/lethal shot(works in other way)

And + things like new weapons and armory. I'm also wondering where he c/p from?
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And + things like new weapons and armory. I'm also wondering where he c/p from?



also,do you know a guy named :KenLar?


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also,do you know a guy named :KenLar?

this is a mix between guides? lol

nop, I don't know him, why?

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also,it's kinda useless from the fact it applies only in Interlude(lol,not in C4 there are no rapid fire/dead eye/evasion shot/lethal shot(works in other way)


Well he told something about counter dash that in IL it doesnt exist..

And i think that evasion shot exist in c4..



Anyway the guide isn't good at all.. soz but its horrible..

From one of thing missing there are s80/s84 weapons/armor if u wanted to make a good guide.

You personally don't use dyes? lol..

And you should add some PvP tips vs each classes mages/daggers/tanks etc.

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Where did u c/p this?(i can understand it from icons missing)

also,it's kinda useless from the fact it applies only in Interlude(lol,not in C4 there are no rapid fire/dead eye/evasion shot/lethal shot(works in other way)


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Where did u c/p this?(i can understand it from icons missing)

also,it's kinda useless from the fact it applies only in Interlude(lol,not in C4 there are no rapid fire/dead eye/evasion shot/lethal shot(works in other way)


It's a crappy guide anyway.

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is easy to criticize, harder is to create something.

it is not a guide in the true sense, is just a test

Is hard to keep our words when we see "guide" like this one :D

We have to say what he did wrong , and next one to be better

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is easy to criticize, harder is to create something.

it is not a guide in the true sense, is just a test


A test about what?


Is hard to keep our words when we see "guide" like this one :D

We have to say what he did wrong , and next one to be better


True, u learn more from ur mistakes. So we tell our opinion so he will know how to make a guide in the future.

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