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Hello everyone.

I'm looking for a good (well developed and maintained), populated and Retail rated server (no x2+ or anything, retail rates are the best).


I'm goddamn tired of digging through tons of servers on different lists; 99% of those are rated x500 or sth, it's a real pain... All I need is a nice retail-like serv, not a 1-kill -> lvl 50 :/


I've been playing on Infinite Aion a bit but seeing that some things (like quests and so on) are as broken as they were a half a year ago, really makes me doubtful about their "most developed and frequently updated server out there". And now they run an APs for donations event... and that sucks  :-\


Thanx in advance for every promising lead.



Hehe, U just made my day :D

If I wanted to "pay and play" I'd have done that instead of posting anything.

I just hope that doesn't mean there are NO good enough private servers out there...


PS: I'm waiting for a trial invitation but that seems to be endless... Oh well, we'll see.

Still waiting for clues.



Don't get me wrong, I too think that Retail is The Best.

Although I have a small problem meaning I can get bored easily if the game is not exactly as I'd like it to be. So I wouldn't want to pay for sth that I may get bored with pretty soon...

And if I won't get bored then who knows, maybe I'll pay a visit to one of The Official Servers...


But for now I guess I'll just take my chance and hope that someone will post a useful link or two.



Well if you gonna try a prive server be carefull because the game experience has nothing to do with official servers. Players may be extremly agrresive (even on same faction) you may see the server is empty and get bored very easily. You wont find enough people to complete the starting group quests something wich dont happen in official server where you can see enough people to complete quests and kill bosses even on starting areas!

Prive servers may be missing importat feutures that will make your progress slower or giving you a wrong impression about the game and get you bored.

Althoug if you need to try a prive server i would suggest you to try this one : http://infiniteaion.com/

It is the most complete prive server with the most people online. Many feutures still missing though :/

  • 2 weeks later...

Well looks like there's no other option but InfiniteAion... What really annoys me there is that their exp requirements are all messed-up so in the end their supposed to be x1 server is like 10x or so.

Plus I don't know if this is supposed to be like that but melee combat there is the shorteset way to respawn (mobs hit really hard and I'm talking here about mobs even 10lvls lower than U while armoured in plate armour) and they have huge aggro range (sometimes I thouht it is like half a radar or so). Not to mention half-implemented atk speed and non working magic resist stat so casters pretty much own everyone (if they don't die in 2 secs from a mob's attack).

That's why I asked about sth else, so... any1 got any ideas?


Infinite is really populated so that's in plus.

  • 4 weeks later...

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