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Lineage 2 New Project Ehanced Graphics For Chaotic Throne 3?

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That is the Chaotic Throne 3, it is an update to Lineage 2, not a different game (ex. Lineage 3). And as far as I know, they will still be using UE2.


More info at 18 November.

on 19th is my birthday xD

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That is the Chaotic Throne 3, it is an update to Lineage 2, not a different game (ex. Lineage 3). And as far as I know, they will still be using UE2.


More info at 18 November.

my birthday are to 18th november.. :D

anyway this trailer sucks! gameplay will be the worst ever! look how dark elf climbing up to the wall!! OMG this is mmporg game no action game!!

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It was about time... Seriously, running a game at 2010, where all you see is the same classes, same equipment, same colous, same height, same same same is just a... shame.


Thanks god , finally someone open minded with IQ over 90 and brain open to new ideas. We are on 2010 and you like IL , everything next to it for you is dumb. New games , ideas , tech , potential is unlocked nowdays and you still want the same bullshit. If you ever had the ability to turn the time back to IL and you could make the next update of it and only shit you would do is to add more T-rexs on PI. You don't know that you would like and you still complain.


anyway this trailer sucks! gameplay will be the worst ever! look how dark elf climbing up to the wall!! OMG this is mmporg game no action game!!


You are dumb as your first nickname before you changed it , this was a cutscene of a quest but hey you got no idea of these since your knowledge is based on l2j servers of x10.000


The only advantage of this? L2 will use 2 cores of your CPU instead of 1 thanks to UE3, more fps for your shiny +16 swords, yay


Yes nothing about the content will be added. Holy cow seriously.

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Thanks god , finally someone open minded with IQ over 90 and brain open to new ideas. We are on 2010 and you like IL , everything next to it for you is dumb. New games , ideas , tech , potential is unlocked nowdays and you still want the same bullshit. If you ever had the ability to turn the time back to IL and you could make the next update of it and only shit you would do is to add more T-rexs on PI. You don't know that you would like and you still complain.


You are dumb as your first nickname before you changed it , this was a cutscene of a quest but hey you got no idea of these since your knowledge is based on l2j servers of x10.000


Yes nothing about the content will be added. Holy cow seriously.

++++++1 and btw. i dont know why you think that the chronicles after IL are from other ppl but in IL there is a item called "Test Rapier" and the loading screen (of my 1st IL client) was with male and female kamaels... so i think all the things were thought from IL on.


and for me: IL is the most shity client ever. one dude told me that he gave 120 euros for a IL java pack and pays for a developer for fixing the pack. i told him that he is crazy. i can tell you only one thing with my hand on my chest. and it is: I HATE INTERLUDE FROM THE BEGINING ON


P.S.: (im an exp-ed player. i started long time before IL. cause 90% of the ppl who like IL started on IL)


Just to notice. Look the mxc server. MxC forum may be the best forum for devs but the ppl who love IL stopped playing the game long time ago. so if you make a IL server now it wont have more then 100 ppl. and thats why the MxC server failed...

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about server succeed

some people are afraid of changes

They must understand,L2 is an evolution of official server

in there,in EVERY chronicle they add more things

the reason is for not failing

people px farm for 6months-1 year some items

then,in a private server there is NOTHING more to do

while in official there will be an extra armor/abillity/feature


See how they can succeed

see Dragon-Network or Dex

they didn't stay in same chronicle,but change

maybe in some more time but they do

otherwise they would have already failed


Interlude has SO SO few features.Imo the only way to maintain this is adding a new item for farm each 1-2 month(hard farm)

game becomes boring after some time


about this project,it seems NcSoft wants to have this game updated for the same reason stated above

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IL is the most shitty client ever plus it was made only to upgrade the game a little , give time to the company until they make CT1 (The Kamael). admin panel > gm shop it had a test rapier , lalalalala. This update known as Interlude was something small , between Chronicles and Chaotic Throne , they made it to win some time till they get CT ready and you guys stuck on it.


Such poor and small client it is , and you like it. Lineage2 like other MMORGPs is getting updates all over the time to keep OFFICIAL servers as much fresh as possible so players won't get bored plus to make the gameplay better. Example exp is easier (so you won't need to bot as much like on Cx - IL) it got way better olympiad , etc.


Updates are made for official , not for Private servers which you are playing , these updates are making the game better , now because the devs of 95$ of the servers are failures and can't adapt the new features on the rates they want , one thing is sure it ain't NcSoft's problem.


L2's potential is locked cause they way it is made , the engine it is using. L2 + WoW were released on the same year but as you can see WoW got WAY BETTER potential , way more players. that's why the new developers of ncsoft are trying to adapt it to the new era of games. Nowdays l2 got outmatched by all the hell cool stuff we are getting.


Star Wars ? Well you know this phrase came from the shitty l2j IL servers which their creators had nothing to add , nothing to do (since the client is so poor) so they made +50 weapons and epic crap armors/weapons. 

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well Lineage2 new project is good maybe new players which are not IL FTW will join and well there will be more fun :)




Read that and stop guessing!

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IL is the most shitty client ever plus it was made only to upgrade the game a little , give time to the company until they make CT1 (The Kamael). admin panel > gm shop it had a test rapier , lalalalala. This update known as Interlude was something small , between Chronicles and Chaotic Throne , they made it to win some time till they get CT ready and you guys stuck on it.


Such poor and small client it is , and you like it. Lineage2 like other MMORGPs is getting updates all over the time to keep OFFICIAL servers as much fresh as possible so players won't get bored plus to make the gameplay better. Example exp is easier (so you won't need to bot as much like on Cx - IL) it got way better olympiad , etc.


Updates are made for official , not for Private servers which you are playing , these updates are making the game better , now because the devs of 95$ of the servers are failures and can't adapt the new features on the rates they want , one thing is sure it ain't NcSoft's problem.


L2's potential is locked cause they way it is made , the engine it is using. L2 + WoW were released on the same year but as you can see WoW got WAY BETTER potential , way more players. that's why the new developers of ncsoft are trying to adapt it to the new era of games. Nowdays l2 got outmatched by all the hell cool stuff we are getting.


Star Wars ? Well you know this phrase came from the shitty l2j IL servers which their creators had nothing to add , nothing to do (since the client is so poor) so they made +50 weapons and epic crap armors/weapons.  


You're clueless stop saying bullshit the team who made Interlude left NCSoft to develop Tera, the new team decided to create TheKamael stop talking if you dont know shit period

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Well, you can't call Kamael+ Lineage 2 game logically, because absolutely new team is developing it. And bugging into files that some people developed before is not very good thing, usually it leads to a ruined gameplay or lolupdates that not everyone is setisfied with.


Those who like Kamael+ update are mostly those, who had not the opportunity to play Chronicle 1,2,3,4,5 and Interlude (beware-If you played c4 and interlude only, you're not one of those, who can judge)


I can absolutely asure you that all normal players who played c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6 are not playing L2 anymore, because of the updates. Or they just stick to Interlude somewhere, where it is still worth to play (not many servers).


Both sides (Kamael+ haters and Interlude- haters) have to agree that If old NCSoft would have stayed, the game would be better than it is now.



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