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Well guys...

A huge problem that comes with new walker is verify...


The simpliest way to bypass it right now is P2P verify...simply by adding a Loopback adapter...


But in the past Xen Shown us a way with Local Verify Server Emulator... :D

If you use it now can't do nothing with 2.17 version...why??

Because things changed a lot...but not so much :D

We can make walker listens local for verify by simply add the old known hosts...but with one change..

Walker don't listen more one port 5001...5005

Now Walker Listens on port 6010

So if you change in L2W_SE  port Range from 5001,4 to 6010,4 you ll get a local connect with the verifier but no Verify....Actually you ll get a message wrong header...!!!

What we need to fix it???

We need understand how L2W_SE handles and send the verify packet to walker...Off course we need to know the packet structure...or if things are simpliest..they just changed some headers in packets??


Anyone has a good idea??


Here i Provide to you people an Unpacked Version of a Verify Emulator....Emulator unpacked by Navicat

Try to understand how it works and make your changes if you understand and have an idea on this  ;)


Lets leave those stupid P2P Verify methods....We have to options...


1) Modify emulator Sending/Recieving correct packets


2) Unpack L2walker.dll from VMProtect and crack to bypass Verify <--Actually this is the best


Let's See what we can do on this...Anyone Knows how to unpack VMPROTECT plz send me a message


Thank you Very much


I would think modifying the emulator would be somewhat easier, depending on their packet structure... anyone still have the actual l2asrv source?


In fact L2ASRV used to be manual... you had to dump a packet log file of some sort, then crop and send the correct packets. I wonder if that thread is still around... but I think that was way back on gamehaqs XD


Understand exacly what they did in the past...


They used a payed account and they logged in official to get verified...

Sniffed the packets

Added to this emulator...and Here we are...they did it...


But i think we can make it by look inside the packets transfered in P2P verification (with loopback adapter and forward.bat) than pay them an account


Alright guys!!!

Great News!!!


I managed to unpack L2walker.dll 2.17 from VMProtect :D :D :D


You Know what that means??

We can start making a crack for verify :D :D


Anyone who is skilled on cracking can pm me for share and give a try on


Plz this is for serious talker only...

if you don't have idea on reversing don't even think of asking me something

  On 10/15/2010 at 6:28 PM, Oddi said:

Do you plan on patching l2walker.dll (probably just some NOPs or a JMP needed), or extract the whole verification process and write an emulator?


Yeah oddi some nop and jump but i have many problems on this right now...

L2walker seems to be a very clever program on injection





Don't make double-triple post in a row, you just can edit the previous one. Take care next time.


I'm really sorry about this next time i ll do it as you say :)


Sorry again

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