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Posted (edited)


Is a simple program that gives you an extra action bar on screen.

You can use mouse click  on the extra bar.

Or you can use the numpad key,s  (or both )

Also you can toggle the <ctrl> button whit  <capslock>  for pvp

Note on toggle ctrl  the the bar is off.

It works on all servers and on all clients.

also in combination whit botting programs like walker.

You can’t get banned for it  it don’t sent out anything.

I am not sure but I think no one ever made this before for Lineage.

and seem to me a great share.

it take me 4 weeks to build and i like to thank Emmanuel for helping me to kill the last bug,s


1.tings i like to improve are: current input go by default chat.

i like to sent it in the future directly to the client.

if you have any idée how plz let me know.

2. the possibilities are endless even 5 or 10 bars is possible whit this script

I like in the future to make it possible for the user to edit the bar,s

Whit there own preferences and skills.

I am hoping for some help from real scripter’s/coders  like Mr Clockman.

Bugs I don't think so but let me know if you find one


Well enjoy





I guess its ready a full graphical bar.

My share here is a graphical bar pack.

Whit working examples of a 1 graphical bar  and a 3 graphical bar.

+ a file of pic,s  of all skills to easy create your own bar.

+ a little screenshot tool for make small pic,s to add to your own custom bar.

+ installation file for autohotkey (ahk) needed to edit the scripts for the bars.

+ back up scripts  (easy to edit in notepad)


It still works best next to the screen .

Is undetectable .

Numpads keys still working.

(caps lock) will still toggle  (Ctrl)  note bar is off on toggle mode.

Works great in combination whit botting programs.

I tested whit Walker and L2 potion user.

So have fun creating your own custom bars.

If you find ways to improve the script plz let me know or share it here.


I Like to thank Clockman  for his wise words and getting me interested in C++ ;)


Pic,s :




Bar Pack:




Have fun and let me know what your create :D

Edited by DukeAwesome
  • 2 weeks later...

Brilliant idea to use ahk for this. I want to change the commands, could u share this script without password prtotection?

I dont wanna use it as it would be mine, just i need to change your skillbar to fit it the actual characters. I play on a substacking server and some of my character has more skills then slot :)


thanks for the replay  :D


at the moment i am working at an advanced version wich you can move around the screen (works best next to the screen)

+ an  transparent graphical bar it works great.




i am still hooping for some help whit  an interface that users easy can modifie to there own skills. (+ a CP healling pots option)

all help welcome ! i am not relay a good coder just starting.

here is the code for a non graphical bar

#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
; Menu Tray, icon, rox.ico

Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOntop  -Caption +ToolWindow +E0x08000000
BackgroundColor = 990044
Gui, Color, %BackgroundColor%

Gui, Font, gold s10 bold
WinSet, TransColor, %BackgroundColor% 100

Gui, Add, Button, x00 y0 w110 h20  gcl1, attack 0 
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gcl2, pickup dot
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gcl3, attack enter
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gcl4, trade1
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gcl5, assist 2
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gcl6, invite 3
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gcl7, next target 8
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gcl8, sit 7
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y0 w110 h20 gZin, rec 9

Gui, Add, Button, x00 y21 w110 h20  gcl10, new1
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl11, new2
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl12, new3
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl13, new4
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl14, new5
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl15, new6
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl15, new7
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl15, new8
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 y21 w110 h20  gcl15, new9

Gui, Show, y0 NoActivate
Gui, Show, y21 NoActivate


;#ifWinActive, Lineage II`

Suspend, toggle
if A_IsSuspended = 1
  GuiControl,, GuiText, Keymap: OFF
  GuiControl,, GuiText, Keymap: ON

;;;;; QWER for F keys ;;;;;

*capsLock::Send % "{blind}" (GetKeyState("LCtrl") ? "{LCtrl up}" : "{LCtrl down}")

*Numpad0::Send, /attack {enter}
*NumpadDot::send, /pickup {enter}
*NumpadEnter::send, /attackforce {enter}
*NumPad1::send, /trade {enter}
*NumPad2::send, /assist {enter}
*NumPad3::send, /invite {enter}
*NumPad7::send, /sit {enter}
*NumPad8::send, /targetnext {enter}
*NumPad9::send, /evaluate {enter}

1::Sendplay, !{F1}
2::Sendplay, !{F2}
3::Sendplay, !{F3}
4::Sendplay, !{F4}
5::Sendplay, !{F5}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
Send, /attack {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /pickup {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /attackforce {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /trade {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /assist {enter}


ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /invite {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /targetnext {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /sit {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /evaluate {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newa {enter}
sleep , 200
send, /newb {enter}
sleep , 400
send, /newc {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newd {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newe {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newf {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newg {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newh {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newi {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newj {enter}

ifWinExist, ahk_class Lineage II
WinActivate, ahk_class Lineage II
send, /newk {enter}


Thanks for the replay :)


i can upload the full graphical bar but its based on  on a substacking server so not very useful for most of the players.


i like to make it possible for the user to  easy edit the bar,s  + ad a healling/cp pots option


if there are any  scripters on this forum like Clockman or any adder good scripter who like to help me out plz let me know.


cheers  ;)





yes it works in full screen mode to specially the ank  script you can move around on the screen.

But it works better in windows mode


and i haven't  load up the graphical bar yet.

I am still trying to find a  easy way for users to edit a graphical bar still hooping for some help from some real scriptwriters i gues i need a Nerd . ;D

if anyone have a spare Nerd that i can borrow plz let me know ;)

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