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i 've been playing for about 3 weeks in the server http://www.l2sentinel.com.br/index-2.html.


Some server info: ench rate 75% max for armors/jewels +16 and max for weap +25.

The community @ peak times is arround 130k ppl.


The items i got are:



-Dyn Robe set +16

-Boss set +16

-Mage cloak +16

-Mage dynasty Hood +16 (the most IG expensive item)

-7kk beads

-40k medals

-75k glits

-Earring of Garascia +16

-Earring of Kandra +16

-Ring of Mos +16

-Necklace of Naga +0

-Necklace of Hekaton +0

-Earring of Ipos +0


Weapon and  Augments:

-IC Hall acu +25 (Active Celestial Shield - it has 5 mins reuse!!)

-IC Hall acu +25 (Passive WM lvl 10)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active WM lvl 10)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Magic Barrier lvl 10)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Empower lvl 10)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Cheer lvl 10)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Battle Roar lvl 10 -Adds arround 4k hp)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Prayer lvl 10)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Heal)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Mana Burn)

-IC Hall acu +0 (Active Shadow Flare)


The char got 1104 pvp & 207 pk atm and he is one of the best geared and in top 5 dmg dealers in server.


I'm interested in items in another server.

Feel free to pm me ur offer..thnx!

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