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Castle Guards

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my server just finished its first siege, it went well althought for some reason the guards never spawned so the castle was took very easily, but the problem im now haveing is that it seems they can place as much mercenary tickets as they want, is there anyway of limiting how many they can place ?


btw the castle is rune

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L2J Sucks :S , Id Like to know something more about sieges in l2j too, in our server happened few weird thing too, NPC dont spawn, castle owned, others the mercenary crash the server(need limit) others it goes well, and in same castle it buggs again, seems that in last packs form oneo etc seem to work just main sieges xD

Innadril Siege in our server, per example, had no owner, npc didnt spawn, got engraved, and when siege ends it was like the players didnt have any castle, no crown etc :S Conclusion is that l2j is very buged :S

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